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Friday, November 24, 2017

You’ve got the Talent. How do you get them to Innovate?
by C.J. Prince

Even when great ideas happen at legacy companies, smaller, more nimble players typically can outpace them in the race to market because their internal structures are less hierarchical and built on meritocracy. “Unlike a startup where the best idea can be tested and then rise to the top, that just isn’t true for a large company that’s been in existence for a while, like General Motors”, says Michael Arena, GM’s chief talent officer. Successful innovation is the result of the right people connecting at the right time, and then others buying into and championing the new idea. “The social dynamics matter as much as the idea itself”, Arena says.

Legacy companies must act like startups by creating the right social dynamics and an environment that allows innovation to emerge naturally, rather than creating innovation incubators or siloed groups devoted to innovating. “Innovation hardly ever happens deep inside one team. It almost always happens at the collision point between two different teams, or as one internal team’s network connects with a network outside the company”, says Arena, noting that General Motors has been shifting toward this kind of “social capital” structure and away from a human capital structure.

Arena points to three roles that are critical for innovation to take place at larger, legacy companies:
  1. Brokers introduce new ideas. “These are the wild-thinking people who are out there playing on the fringe. They’re curious and out there trying to discover new things. They’re essential to the process of innovation”, says Arena. But in the larger, legacy company, those people aren’t enough. “We’ve all seen bold beautiful ideas that never saw the light of day”.
  2. Connectors execute on those ideas and get them implemented. They are able to get buy-in from local groups inside the organization because they excel at engendering trust.
  3. Energizers are the individuals that spark the interest of others across the organization and unleash the passion necessary for those innovations to advance, says Arena. “CEOs are almost never energizers. They hold the purse strings and have to say ‘no’ more often than ‘yes’”. But that’s okay, Arena adds. That isn’t their role. “CEOs play less a role in innovation than we think they should. When it comes to innovation, leadership is overrated”.
Instead, CEOs should focus on talent development and making sure all three roles are represented well inside the company. They also should be creating an environment in which people feel comfortable experimenting. “If a CEO is only worried about execution and driving efficiencies and bottom-line results, they create very tight systems”, Arena says. “The CEO has to loosen the system so that people can engage and build new ideas”.

Fuente: Chief Executive

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    .·. Miguel Ángel MEDINA CASABELLA, MSM, MBA, MHSA .·.
    Especialista Multicultural Global en Management Estratégico, Conducta Organizacional, Gestión del Cambio e Inversiones, graduado en University of California at Berkeley y The Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania)
    Consultor en Dirección General de Cultura y Educación de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
    Miembro del Comité EEUU del Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales
    Representante de The George Washington University para LatAm desde 1996
    Ex Director Académico y Profesor de Gestión del Cambio del HSML Program para LatAm en 
    The George Washington University (Washington DC)
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    Thursday, November 16, 2017

    Startup Accelerators have become more popular in Emerging Markets
    by Peter Roberts and Randall Kempner

    For decades, we have heard that emerging markets are poised for huge growth that will yield even greater prosperity. But a long list of obstacles always seems to be getting in the way of realizing this potential. Startup accelerator programs have been touted as one path to faster progress. Much like their famed Silicon Valley counterparts, emerging market accelerators aim to boost startups’ potential for raising growth capital. We wanted to examine whether the boost that accelerators give in emerging market contexts is different from similar programs in North America or Europe. Our research shows that the effects of acceleration are remarkably similar for entrepreneurs across countries and even continents. Unfortunately, mismatched goals between investors and entrepreneurs as well as a potential cultural bias may both prove to limit the positive effect that accelerators have in emerging market contexts. Regardless, accelerators still have an important role to play that can help position entrepreneurs for success.

    When we began collecting data in 2013 to explore differences between startup acceleration in emerging markets and in high-income countries, we expected stark differences. Business environments in most emerging markets are complex and can be difficult for even the most experienced entrepreneur to navigate. So while running any startup is tough, we assumed that launching a new business in Mombasa would be much more difficult than running one in Menlo Park. However, we were surprised to find far fewer differences in the effects of acceleration than we had expected.

    Our most recent report with data on over 2,000 ventures from 42 accelerator programs, shows that across country settings, accelerated ventures grow at significantly higher rates compared to ventures that applied but were not accepted into the accelerator program. Surprisingly (to us anyway), the average effects of acceleration on equity and debt raised were nearly identical in emerging market and high-income country contexts.

    We were also surprised to find that emerging market ventures are typically older than startups applying to accelerator programs in high-income countries, are earning more revenue, and have hired more employees. Despite this, ventures in high-income countries attract roughly twice as much early stage investment as these promising emerging market ventures. Without acceleration, emerging market ventures are simply not able to attract the investment that is consistent with their underlying promise. And while emerging market accelerators programs are similarly effective at pushing capital into their ventures, acceleration alone is not closing this investment gap.

    In interviews, investors in both emerging market and high-income country settings consistently report having more difficulty sourcing quality deals in emerging markets. Nearly all pointed to both the quality of the founding teams and HR risk as important factors — regardless of where the venture is based. However, at least on paper, emerging-market entrepreneurs are just as experienced and committed as high-income country entrepreneurs. In fact, entrepreneurs from emerging-market country contexts typically have the same or higher levels of education, work experience, and prior entrepreneurial experience as their high-income peers at the time of application. Yet, investors still report a lack of commitment and entrepreneurial experience in these entrepreneurs, which they say makes it difficult to invest in some markets compared to others.

    Based on these findings, we believe that a main challenge when it comes to spurring early-stage investment in emerging markets may not be the actual quality of entrepreneurs, but perceptions about their quality and potential. Here are some suggestions that might help accelerator programs in those countries to better support these entrepreneurs.

    It’s not all about venture funding. Accelerator programs are most successful when they provide the right help to the right people. Our research indicates that many emerging market entrepreneurs prioritize building their skill set or refining their product and marketing strategy over connecting with potential investors. In addition, while they are seeking to grow their businesses (and are investing as much of their own money on average as U.S. entrepreneurs, just over $50,000) they typically seek more modest amounts of outside investment and are not typically working towards an acquisition or IPO.

    Accelerators should take the time to understand and align with these entrepreneurs’ needs and recognize that not all startups require venture capital funding right away. The most successful accelerators identify the respective entrepreneur’s specific financing needs rather than assuming that there is one path to success and scale.

    When it is about venture funding, hone in on the best matches. When entrepreneurs are ready for investment, accelerators should do the work to make sure the right investors are in the room. They should also ensure that this investor access is more than a cursory pitch. As one entrepreneurship expert suggests, “Pitch sessions might be fun, but curated matchmaking may be more useful.” Accelerators need to understand exactly what investors are looking for and actively match pipeline for them, not just arrange for pitch sessions en masse.

    Finding talent is critical. Beyond thoughtful investor introductions, helping entrepreneurs handle hiring and HR is an area where accelerators can be extremely helpful. Accelerators should help start-ups develop a talent strategy alongside their financial strategy. Whether it’s attracting founders or focusing on first hires, it’s important that entrepreneurs have a clear plan to attract and retain the best talent. Organizations like Open Capital Advisors, the Amani InstituteShortlistCreative Metier, and Village Capital are all developing tools to address talent issues in emerging markets, and many of those tools are free or open source.

    Acknowledge implicit bias. One of the more complicated issues accelerators need to manage may be investors’ implicit bias. It’s no secret that gender biases affect investment decisions, in both high-income and emerging markets. Investors in emerging markets must also become aware of similar implicit biases that lead them to under-value entrepreneur credentials or misinterpret cross-cultural communication styles. In the latter respect, one of the acceleration experts whom we interviewed said, “We’ve seen that foreign (typically U.S.-based) investors in emerging markets find it easier to invest in expat founders because of cultural ease. They may even overlook key risks — such as lack of work permits or weak business track record — because among expat entrepreneurs the pitch is polished, confidence is high, and there is no language barrier”.

    Our previous research corroborates this view. We found that in emerging markets, “transplant” founders raised twice the amount of equity than “local” (native-born) founders had. Other research has shown that for investors evaluating a pitch, business fundamentals matter less than their perception of character and trustworthiness, and the entrepreneur’s openness to feedback. Accelerators should consider modifying the standard pitch-session approach and find ways for the true potential of emerging market ventures to be appreciated.

    We are excited by these initial findings. Our research indicates that accelerators have the potential to spur more growth but need to be aware of what can hamper investment in emerging market entrepreneurs. To level the playing field in a global marketplace, accelerators are in a unique position to help investors and entrepreneurs better connect and by doing so combat biased perceptions that cause misalignment in the first place.

    Fuente: Harvard Business Review

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      .·. Miguel Ángel MEDINA CASABELLA, MSM, MBA, MHSA .·.
      Especialista Multicultural Global en Management Estratégico, Conducta Organizacional, Gestión del Cambio e Inversiones, graduado en University of California at Berkeley y The Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania)
      Consultor en Dirección General de Cultura y Educación de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
      Miembro del Comité EEUU del Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales
      Representante de The George Washington University para LatAm desde 1996
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      Friday, November 10, 2017

      Where do Startups start?
      by Evan Rawley

      Frictions in markets and within companies create opportunities for entrepreneurs to unlock value — but not without costs.

      Sometimes a simple tweak can have a profound impact on a business. That’s what three former colleagues found in 2003 when they left the recruitment site Hot Jobs to found their own company, The Ladders. Focusing on emerging mobile technology and reversing Hot Jobs payment model to charge job seekers instead of recruiters, they were able to attract $7.6 million in funding and 5 million registered users in less than a decade, outflanking their former employer.

      Jobs payment model to charge job seekers instead of recruiters, they were able to attract $7.6 million in funding and 5 million registered users in less than a decade, outflanking their former employer.

      “It’s a pretty cool opportunity for a potential entrepreneur when they realize how tied up in knots firms get, often with only the best of intentions,” says Evan Rawley, Associate Professor of Business at Columbia Business School. Company politics and bureaucratic inertia, however, are just one way in which markets can fail to provide value-creating goods and services. “Often,” Rawley says, “firms see that there’s a need for a product or a service in the market, but it’s not trivial to deliver it”.

      In these cases, Rawley continues, “something’s broken in the market. Firms would like somebody else to fix it, so that they can offer the service, but if nobody is going to do it, they have to. The firm has to integrate and provide a number of other services or products in order to solve that one market need.” Examples abound, from the nineteenth century need to develop refrigerated train cars in order to bring meat from the West and produce from the South to the lucrative markets of the Northeast, to Uber’s more recent development of complex queuing, tracking, and pricing software to offer a more efficient modern car service.

      Rawley calls this process “internalizing externalites,” reducing frictions in the target market by tackling tangentially related, and often complex, problems. When undertaken successfully, as in the case of The Ladders or Uber, the process can unlock tremendous value, allowing some entrepreneurs, Rawley says, “to thrive even in areas where there are huge firms with tons of resources and brilliant people”.

      But as Rawley is quick to point out, the process isn’t without peril. From Google’s recent reorganization as Alphabet, to Uber’s push into food delivery, slim, narrowly focused entrepreneurial businesses have a tendency to grow in size and scope as they seek out potential synergies. As these businesses move to internalize additional externalities, they quickly become significantly more complex as new teams enter to address additional challenges. “There’re bureaucracy costs, politics, distractions, misallocations of capital, lack of transparency,” Rawley explains. “Suddenly, there are all these coordination problems internally, and the firm can no longer address new opportunities efficiently.” When that happens, opportunities begin to emerge for new entrepreneurs both outside and within the firm, kicking off a fresh cycle.

      “It’s a dangerous game trying to put together different activities and create synergies,” Rawley cautions. “But it’s the only way to internalize many of these externalities. You have to be careful about evaluating how important an externality is. There are a lot of externalities you could solve, but they might be too expensive for it to be efficient”.

      Fuente: Columbia Business School

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        .·. Miguel Ángel MEDINA CASABELLA, MSM, MBA, MHSA .·.
        Especialista Multicultural Global en Management Estratégico, Conducta Organizacional, Gestión del Cambio e Inversiones, graduado en University of California at Berkeley y The Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania)
        Consultor en Dirección General de Cultura y Educación de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
        Miembro del Comité EEUU del Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales
        Representante de The George Washington University para LatAm desde 1996
        Ex Director Académico y Profesor de Gestión del Cambio del HSML Program para LatAm en 
        The George Washington University (Washington DC)
        TE Oficina: ( 0054) 11 - 3532 - 0510
        TE Móvil (Local): ( 011 ) 15 - 4420 - 5103
        TE Móvil (Int´l): ( 0054) 911 - 4420 - 5103
        Skype: medinacasabella

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        Estrategias Multiculturales y Transculturales, Organizacionales y Competitivas,
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