Leading Up, Down, and Sideways

U.S. Army General
George Patton famously said, “Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.” The
quote is often used to describe how aggressively assertive he was, conveniently
ignoring the fact that Patton said — as a general — he was willing to follow.
He implied that leadership involves flexibility, especially in a tumultuous
environment such as war. At any one time, and depending on circumstances, there
must be more than one person who is able and willing to take the lead.
It’s an idea that
resonates strongly in today’s business world, where disruptive innovations,
unexpected competitors, and industry upheavals have become commonplace. Greg
Shea, Senior Fellow, Wharton Center for Leadership and Change Management, says
it’s the idea behind a new program, Becoming a Leader of Leaders:
Pathways to Success.
“Traditionally, the highest
ranking person made the decisions and gave the orders. But today’s leaders
can’t afford to have people reporting to them who are not leaders in their own
right”, he says. “A turbulent, unpredictable world requires a kind of
adaptability that can’t come just from the top — you need everyone to be
proactive, scanning the environment, looking for opportunities and potential
hurdles, and taking the initiative”.
Shea says that while
the idea of “leading down” is getting plenty of attention, there is little talk
about how leaders can and should do it. “This is the real core
of the Becoming a Leader of Leaders. What are the skills you need? How
do you manage and take care of yourself so you can develop others? How can you
become a more effective coach and mentor?”.
Leading down is only part of the job. Successful managers must also learn to lead up and sideways...
Leading down is only part of the job. Successful managers must also learn to lead up and sideways...
“If you’re not part
of a team made up of a set of leaders reporting up, you are creating a
vulnerability for yourself and your organization”, continues Shea. “Everyone
should be actively involved. One CEO I worked with had an interesting approach.
Every once in a while he would say to his team, ‘I am worried about ___ because
no one else is worried about it.’ He expected a proactive set of folks who
anticipate what needs to be done. He expected to be a leader of leaders”.
But becoming more
adept at leading down and developing others’ leadership is only part of the
equation. Linked closely are leading sideways — working with your peers to
develop key interdependencies and fight against vulnerabilities — and leading
up — how you approach those who are more senior, and how you find a good mentor
and become a good mentee, especially in the mid- and later stage of your
career. “Your peers and superiors also expect you to be proactive”, says Shea.
“You have to be prepared to lead in every direction”.
Source: The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
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- http://medinacasabella.blogspot.com.ar/2016/04/LIDERAZGO-TRANSFORMACIONAL-2017.html
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Especialista Multicultural Global en Management Estratégico, Conducta Organizacional, Gestión del Cambio e Inversiones, graduado en University of California at Berkeley y The Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania)
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