Transculturation: Trends on International Adultery

Americans do it
guiltily, Russians casually, Africans lethally and the French habitually.
Stereotypes about adultery are as common as research about it is flaky. So
Pamela Druckerman's thoughtful and myth-busting study of infidelity deserves to
be widely translated and read.
A former Wall
Street Journal reporter, Ms Druckerman likes hard facts. So before
getting into the tricky questions of guilt and complicity she tries to find an
international adultery league table. That proves amazingly difficult. There are
bogus surveys galore—she takes commendable swipes at Alfred Kinsey and Shere
Hite—but very little based on proper, probability-weighted samples, and even
fewer international comparisons.
Ms Druckerman
finally unearths some unpublished data collected as part of AIDS research
at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. The most adulterous
countries in the world are African. In Togo 37% of married or cohabiting men
say they have had another sexual partner in the past 12 months. The most uxorious are probably Switzerland
(3%) and Australia (2.5%).
In Japan she,
like many outsiders, is baffled by the contrast between a gooey sentimentality
about romance, and the sexlessness and distance of many Japanese marriages. It
has its drawbacks, especially for women, but doesn't do much harm, she
concludes. Her finely calibrated moral compass is matched by a reporter's knack
for deft, understated description. She dryly recounts a visit to a sex club
that is done up like a crowded subway train, where the customers pay for the
privilege of being able to grope the female “commuters”.
Americans, she
reckons, are a bit neurotic about adultery; in other countries it counts as a
regrettable lapse, but not necessarily an unforgivable act of heinous betrayal.
By contrast, in France, where she lives, people find it reprehensible that
Americans actually discuss the point when dating turns monogamous; until then
they casually juggle several suitors at once. The French are faithful during
courtship; their marriages and liaisons last longer than Americans' do.
Fidelity is rated as the top quality that Frenchwomen look for in a man; for
men it comes second after “tenderness”. On the whole, though, they are tolerant
of infidelity when it happens.
Her conclusion:
people in rich countries value monogamy and tend not to stray often. In
America, however, “adultery crises last longer, cost more, and seem to inflict
more emotional torture.” Americans are so guilt-ridden, she writes, that they
don't even enjoy what should be the pleasurable bit. Better, she reckons, to
take a lesson from the French, who believe that monogamy is optimal, enjoy the
lapses when they happen but try not to escalate them, and never, ever, confront
a spouse for cheating.
Source: The Economist
Source: The Economist
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