As USA pulls back from Pacific Trade Deal,
LatAm Countries
look to China
by Howard LaFranchi

decline of the TPP free trade agreement sought by Obama has given new attention
to China's own trade pact. Some see a strategic shift in leadership in the
is dead. Long live RCEP?
the Trans-Pacific Partnership sought by President Obama has fallen on hard
times – the victim of the presidential campaign and President-elect Donald
Trump’s pledge to scrap the free-trade accord – new attention is being paid
China’s own trade pact for Asia, the Regional Comprehensive Economic
TPP apparently dead, some Pacific-rim South American countries including Peru
and Chile are expressing interest in joining an expanded RCEP.
the same time, China’s President Xi Jinping, in South America for the weekend
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Peru, has busied himself
cementing ties with Latin American countries – signing a “strategic
partnership” with Ecuador, for example.

foundering of the 12-nation, US-led TPP and the emergence of the 16-nation and
China-led RCEP is widely seen in the Asia-Pacific region as an example of how
the impending shift in occupancy of the White House is portending America’s
withdrawal and is helping to pave the way for an expansive China.
at an inflection point,” says Eric Farnsworth, vice president of the Americas
Society and Council of the Americas in Washington. “There is a strategic shift
going on between the US and China for leadership in the Asia-Pacific region,
and a TPP on the rocks is very much a part of that.”
a bilateral meeting with Mr. Obama in Lima, Mr. Xi spoke tantalizingly (and
uncharacteristically frankly, some China experts say) of a “hinge moment” in
US-China relations. Some leaders in the Asia-Pacific region heard the Chinese
leader’s words as applying to the region, as well.
countries in Latin America and even in the larger Asia-Pacific region would
prefer to hitch their economic and strategic wagons to the US. For many, shared
values like democracy and transparency are a significant motivation, some
regional analysts say. But they add that few of those countries will opt to
“sit back and wait” to see if the US pullback from trade pacts hardens into a
broader regional withdrawal.
across the region are taking stock of which of the US and China is ready to
move forward, Mr. Farnsworth says, noting that the traditional US hold on
regional leadership is over.
the past, the approach more often than not was, ‘We’ll wait to work out a way
forward with the US,’ but that is changing with more eyes turning towards
China. Now,” he adds, “we hear regional leaders like the president of Mexico
and others saying, ‘We want and need the US engaged in the region, but if the
US withdraws, we’re going forward without them.’”
reacts to Trump
Trump confirmed in a video message Tuesday that pulling the US out of TPP would
be one of his first acts in office.
from the region was swift: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the first world
leader to meet with the president-elect last week, called TPP “meaningless”
without the US and cast doubt on any possibility of renegotiating the deal with
the US. Australian Prime Minister Malcom Turnbull predicted the other 11
countries would proceed with TPP without the US, while New Zealand took an
“It’s their loss” approach to Trump’s announcement.
United States isn’t an island. It can’t just sit there and say it’s not going
to trade with the rest of the world,” a “disappointed” prime minister, John
Key, told reporters Tuesday. “At some point they’re going to have to give some
consideration to that.”
envisioned TPP as a way to anchor fast-growing Asian economies to the US – and
to the US-led internationalist economic model – as a counter to China’s economic
rise. Leaders like New Zealand’s Mr. Key and Mexican President Enrique Peña
Nieto have been suggesting in recent days that they believe Trump will
eventually embrace international trade.
also called for a 45 percent tariff on Chinese imports during the campaign and
blasted NAFTA as a “disaster,” pledging to either scupper the three-nation
free-trade deal or to renegotiate it. But North American trade officials note
that 48 of the 50 states count either Mexico or Canada as their top trading
(and job-creating) partner, so they believe a dose of economic realism will
result in calmer heads on NAFTA.
Chinese plans
in the meantime, China, which has been planting economic stakes in Latin
America for at least a decade, is going further.
Jinping’s visit [to South America] this week is another step forward in a
longer process of China imbedding itself in the region,” says David Shambaugh,
a China expert at George Washington University.
author of “China goes Global: The Partial Power” says the flurry of speculation
about China suddenly rushing in to “fill an economic institutional vacuum left
by the death of TPP” is off the mark.
death of TPP is damaging for the US, no doubt about it,” Dr. Shambaugh says.
“But I don’t think it leaves a vacuum for China to fill.”
will remain an East Asian trade pact, he suspects, while Asian-Pacific
countries with strong economic links to the US will maintain those ties.
he does expect are continuing efforts by Latin American countries in particular
to diversify their economic partnerships. “Instead of just looking north, these
countries have started looking east and west over the last eight to 10 years,”
he says, “and that’s going to continue.”
was not part of TPP, just as the US is not included in RCEP, which so far
brings together 10 Southeast Asian countries, plus India, Australia, Japan,
South Korea, and New Zealand, with China in the lead role.
some regional experts, the same economic realism they predict will ultimately
bring Trump back to the regional trade arena was already on full display at the
weekend’s APEC forum.
the first time, the US was not in a position to say, ‘Here’s our vision, and
here’s why it’s better,’ ” says Farnsworth, who attended the summit. “Instead,
the buzz in the hallways was, ‘China’s not just here, but here to stay, so
let’s figure out how to work with that”.
Source: The George Washington University Elliot School of International Affairs
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