Truth about Authentic Leaders
Bill George

debate over which form of leadership works best seems settled, in my view. Most
leading companies globally are focusing on developing "authentic
leaders" within their ranks. As the Harvard Business Review declared in January 2015,
“Authenticity has emerged as the gold standard for leadership.”
2003, our book Authentic Leadership proposed a new kind of leader,
whose character was the ingredient that mattered most—more than characteristics
or style. We also challenged older models of leadership, including the “great
man theory” and competency-based leadership models. Previous generations of
business people spent more time trying to “market” themselves as leaders,
rather than undertaking the transformative work that leadership development
of authenticity
recently three leading scholars at Insead, Stanford, and Wharton challenged the
concept of authentic leadership. Like all movements—Harvard University
Professor Michael Porter’s famous five forces of strategy comes to mind—growing
acceptance of an idea often attracts contrarian critiques, which ultimately are
healthy in clarifying our understanding.
In Leadership
BS, Stanford’s Jeff Pfeffer says, “the last thing a leader needs to be at
crucial moments is authentic.” Insead’s Herminia Ibarra adds, “We have to find
a way to fake it till we become it.” The most recent salvo comes from Wharton’s
Adam Grant, who wrote in the June 5 New York Times, “’Be yourself’ is
actually terrible advice… Nobody wants to see your true self.”
these writings have garnered plenty of press attention, their critiques of
authentic leaders reflect a fundamental misunderstanding of authenticity.
Webster defines authenticity as “real or genuine; not copied or false; true and
accurate.” It comes from the Greek word for author, which led author Warren
Bennis to say, “You are the author of your life.”
postulates two types of authentic leaders: “low self-monitors” and “high
self-monitors.” Low self-monitors tend to say whatever comes to mind, whereas
high self-monitors watch carefully what they say for its impact on others. This
distinction creates a false dichotomy because low self-monitoring is the
opposite of being authentic, and is a sign of immaturity and insensitivity to
the feelings of others. Leaders who do this, such as telling a colleague, “I’d
like to go to bed with you,” as Grant proposes, are anything but authentic.
leaders monitor their words and behaviors carefully to be attuned to their
audiences and to enroll their colleagues and teammates. They do so because they
are sensitive to the impact their words and actions have on others, not because
they are “messaging” the right talking points.
second critique of authentic leaders is that they are often locked into a rigid
sense of themselves, much like their immature teenage selves. This is the
antithesis of authentic leaders, who are constantly developing themselves to
increase self-awareness and improve relationships with others. They don’t hide
behind their flaws; instead, they seek to understand them. This lifelong
developmental process is similar to what musicians and athletes go through in
improving their capabilities.
leaders develop their authenticity
than trying to redefine what it means to be authentic, research and leadership
development programs should focus on how leaders develop their
authenticity. Being authentic as a leader is hard work and takes years of
experience in leadership roles. No one can be authentic without fail; everyone
behaves inauthentically at times, saying and doing things they will come to
regret. The key is to have the self-awareness to recognize these times and
listen to close colleagues who point them out.
essence of authentic leadership is emotional intelligence, or EQ, as
articulated by Daniel Goleman. People with high IQs and low EQs can hardly be
called authentic leaders. In contrast to IQ, which basically does not change in
one’s adult lifetime, EQ can be developed. The first and most important step on
this journey is gaining self-awareness.
preparing to write Discover Your True North, my research team and I
conducted in-depth interviews with 172 authentic leaders. This research
highlighted the vital role of self-awareness in leadership development. Here
are some recommended steps people undertake to develop a deeper understanding
of themselves in order to become authentic leaders:
- Explore their life stories and their crucibles in order to understand who they are. As my HBS colleague Lakshmi Ramarajan says, the process of learning, growing, and developing an integrated self is a process of construction and meaning–making. As leaders explore their life stories and crucibles, and process their experiences, they develop deeper understanding of themselves and feel increasingly comfortable being authentic. This is a lifelong journey in which we are always discovering the next layer, much like peeling an onion. As leaders discover their truth, their True North, they gain confidence and resilience to face difficult situations.
- Engage in reflection and introspective practices by taking time every day to step back from the 24/7 world, turn off all electronics, and reflect on what is most important to them. This can be done through introspective practices that are growing rapidly in popularity, such as meditation, mindfulness, prayer, long walks to clear one’s mind, or simply sitting quietly and reflecting. The key here is set aside preoccupation with task lists, iPhones, and the latest news in order to reflect privately. In this way the urgent does not take precedence over the important in one’s life, and leaders examine how they are living their lives and engaging with the world around them.
- Seeking honest feedback from colleagues, friends, and subordinates about themselves and their leadership. One of the hardest things for leaders to do is to understand how other people see them, which is often quite different than how they want to be seen. To gain greater understanding of how they are coming across, authentic leaders obtain real-time feedback by listening to their “truth tellers,” who give them candid critiques about their leadership. Those that surround themselves with loyal sycophants, who only tell them how well they are doing rather than being brutally honest, risk going off track. Leaders also gather feedback through regular 360 degree reviews from peers and subordinates. The qualitative comments shared in 360 reviews can be of great benefit if leaders take them to heart, and genuinely try to change.
- Understand their leadership purpose so they can align people around a common purpose. Purpose defines the unique gifts people bring to leadership challenges, through which they can align others with their purposes in order to create positive impact. This is far more important than focusing entirely on achieving success in metrics like money, fame and power, yet ultimately produces sustained success in those metrics as well.
- Become skilled at tailoring their style to their audiences, imperatives of the situation, and readiness of their teammates to accept different approaches. There are times when leaders have to make difficult decisions that are sure to displease people, and they’ll need to give tough feedback. At other times they need to be inspiring, good coaches, and consensus builders. These flexible styles aren’t inauthentic if they come from a genuinely authentic place. In this sense leaders’ styles become the outward manifestation of their authenticity. As leaders gain experience and develop greater self-awareness, they become more skillful in adapting their style, without compromising their character.
is needed now is a deeper understanding of how leaders become authentic, as
they navigate the practical dilemmas and paradoxes they face. For example,
Karissa Thacker’s recent book The Art of Authenticity takes authenticity
to a deeper level by exploring topics like relational transparency and honest
conversations, making peace with paradox, and seeking the truth.
colleagues at HBS are working on the challenges of being authentic, such as how
and when to be vulnerable, cognitive distortions, making meaning of who we are
by integrating the constructed self with the true self—or True North—and going
from purpose to impact. These are fertile areas for research by academics and
in-company leadership experts.
Rather than creating false postulations about
authentic leaders, we need to focus on how we can enable leaders to become more
authentic, and give them the tools to do so. In this way authentic leaders will
be able to create better lives for everyone they serve.
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