Not familiar with the Scandinavian Model of Leadership?
Then you are truly missing out...
by Tatiana Compton

The importance of delegating is often
undervalued as a requisite of a great leader, don’t make this mistake.
Devolving responsibility and accountability
stimulates collaboration, innovation and creativity. And that is part of
what the Scandinavian Model of Leadership is all about (but we’ll get to that
in just a moment).
Leadership qualities such as courage, resilience and
confidence are much admired as tools for steering a company in the right
direction. Less often praised is the importance of delegation, it is a quieter
quality. Delegation is a powerful tool and handled wisely it will lead a
straighter path to success. A leader who maintains total control and authority
is not a true leader- by definition a leader guides or inspires others,
providing the knowledge and methods for people to take action. Attention to
detail has its place – but overdo it and you will impede progress.
Delegating isn’t always easy. In the short term
delegating a task might seem like an unworthy effort, but in the long term
delegating will give you more time, motivate those around you (boosting
productivity) and consequently make you a more effective leader. “If you really
want to grow as an entrepreneur, you’ve got to learn to delegate” (Richard
Here are 3 reasons why a great leader delegates:
- It frees up valuable time
In an age where time is in short supply, it is
as important as ever to be able to delegate, it will give you the time you need
to focus on the truly important aspects of your project or business. Prevent
burn out.
- It will empower and motivate those around you
Trust those around you and in return they will
trust and follow you. Employees who feel valued are involved and engaged in
their work and will contribute more. The managerial mentality ‘if you want
something done, you must do it yourself’ will provide employees with little
responsibility and consequently reduce job motivation.
- It will develop your team
Providing challenging assignments for your team
will develop their skill sets and enable them to move on to the next level.
Delegating can be used as a source of creativity as it gives space for new
approaches from different mindsets, providing the opportunity for employees to
become more engaged as they are given the chance to learn. Don’t micro-manage!
What We Can Learn From the Scandinavian Model of
The Scandinavian model of leadership prides
itself on a high degree of devolved responsibility and accountability which in
turn creates an empowering and enabling environment. This ‘flat’ management
model from Scandinavia means their leaders focus on building management out,
not up. It is no surprise then that the Global Competitiveness Report from the
World Economic Forum names Sweden, Denmark and Finland as the three highest
ranking countries on ‘willingness to delegate responsibility’.
In the post-industrial knowledge economy
delegating is particularly important because success relies on collaboration
across the company. Jan Carlzon, ex-CEO of Scandinavian Airlines and famous
proponent of the ‘Scandinavian Model of leadership’, explains his success
at the company as a product of his efforts to change the approach to a flatter
decentralized organization. If you really want to be business-oriented and
customer- driven you must be brave enough to give responsibility to every
individual person out there in the front line, as Jan Carlzon explains in his
book Moments of Truth: New Strategies for Today’s Customer- Driven Economy
Essentially you should be a strategic leader –
give away information and create an environment where people are prepared to
take risks and responsibility. Jan Carlzon explains how a strategic leader will
say, “This is my vision and this is my strategy; this is the avenue that we all
have to walk down. On that avenue, you have all the freedom to take your own
solutions, but we all go the same way. And, if there is somebody in this organization
who does not accept and who does not want to go the same way, then you have to
A great leader supports and develops their team
by building their confidence and abilities through supportive delegation. Most
successful leaders understand their staff and motivate them through trust and
personal development – delegating is an effective tool for achieving this. When
used correctly delegation can be of major benefit to a company and is a tool
that should be utilized and acted upon in order for leaders to gain the best
results from their businesses and employees.
Fuente: Ivyexec
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