the Archetype of a next-decade Leader?
by Alaina Love

a leadership archetype exist? And if it does, how do I find more people who are
genetically wired that way?”
was the tough question posed to me recently by Jeff, a CEO who was desperately
seeking talent for his fast-growing startup. We had been discussing the passion
archetypes of his top team and reviewing the particular strengths the
archetypes each person held could bring to the business. Two universities have
studied the passion archetypes, which were first identified and measured
through the Passion Profiler, a tool developed by Purpose Linked Consulting.
conclusion is that we are all wired with 10 distinct passion archetypes, but we
express them uniquely, and each archetype demonstrates a particular pattern of
behavior in the workplace (and in one’s personal life as well.) Here is an
overview of their contribution to leadership thinking:

this is probably my last startup,” Jeff continued. “I want the company to
thrive well into the future, and I want to develop a stable of potential
successors to take this business to the next level. Technology is changing at
light speed and we’ve got to do more than just keep up; we’ve got to anticipate
and innovate. I need someone with the energy and mental chops to make that
asked Jeff about his current staff and whom among them he thought
performed particularly well. He began by telling me about the woman he’d
hired to lead the tech team who had a strong Processor archetype and could be
counted on for efficiency and accuracy.
star, in Jeff’s opinion, was the president of manufacturing. He was an
“Olympic-level Builder”, who delivered product on time and within quality
standards despite battling numerous supplier challenges over the last six
months. In Jeff’s estimation, these two were the leaders he could count on
today, but he wasn’t certain they could effectively lead the company in the
coming decade, when competition in his industry sector would be even more
is thinking like a next-decade leader. He understands that success in an
environment of growing unpredictability and change will require more than
effective execution and low production costs. Without infusing into the culture
a thirst for innovation and the energy required to thrive and win, his company
could end up as a footnote in some Harvard case study.
experience with leaders who have the passion archetypes to deliver the
leadership agility that Jeff’s company requires in the next decade suggests
that he needs someone who is a Builder, courageous enough to pursue huge goals
even when the odds are tough, someone for whom no effort is too great. His
company will need a Transformer, an individual who thrives in change and
identifies the new order that will emerge from it, well before others do.
also needs a Conceiver, an innovative, game-changing thinker, who will push the
organization and him into new intellectual territory and challenge the status
quo. And, because growing his business will require that the company move into
uncharted territory and new countries, Jeff needs a Connector who is gifted at
building relationships and negotiating across divides.
we poured over the accomplishments of specific staff members and reviewed their
passion archetypes, it became clear to Jeff that he was looking for more than
just one person; he needed a team of talent who would collectively comprise the
“leadership archetype” he was seeking.
in 2020 and beyond will require that Jeff think of his staff as a collection of
talent, who bring not only skill-based expertise and experience to the
business, but also a unique combination of passions that provide the
organization with the diversity of perspective so needed for future success.
is not a leader that I know worth the respect of his or her
colleagues who isn’t like Jeff — worried about developing the talent today
that their organizations will need tomorrow. Doing so requires that these
leaders look beyond skill-building as the primary methodology for growing
capability in the business. While it is a part of the solution required for
next-decade leadership, the competitive advantage of leveraging workplace
passions cannot be overstated or ignored.
Source: SmartBrief
Haciendo click en cada uno de los links siguientes, Contenidos de nuestros
de las necesidades de su Organización:
- Curso Taller ¿Cómo incorporar y aplicar Modelos de PENSAMIENTO ESTRATÉGICO en la Organización? 2016-2017:
- http://medinacasabella.blogspot.com.ar/2016/04/pensamiento-estrategico-curso-taller-in.html
- Curso Taller de PLANEAMIENTO ESTRATÉGICO - Recetas Eficientes para Escenarios Turbulentos 2016-2017:
- http://medinacasabella.blogspot.com.ar/2016/04/planeamiento-estrategico-curso-taller.html
- Curso Taller ¿Cómo Gerenciar Eficientemente a partir del MANAGEMENT ESTRATÉGICO? 2016-2017:
- http://medinacasabella.blogspot.com.ar/2016/04/management-estrategico-curso-taller-in.html
- Curso Taller ¿Cómo GERENCIAR PROCESOS DE CAMBIO y no sufrir en el intento? 2016-2017:
- http://medinacasabella.blogspot.com.ar/2016/04/gestion-del-cambio-2016-2017-curso.html
- Curso Taller de LIDERAZGO TRANSFORMACIONAL para la Toma de Decisiones 2016-2017:
- http://medinacasabella.blogspot.com.ar/2016/04/liderazgo-transformacional-2016-2017.html
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