7 Ways for CEOs to Successfully Overcome the Unknown
by Julie Benezet

like their business strategy to be predictable and planned out. But we are
living in a time today when the fear of the unknown has never been greater.
can impede a leader’s ability to focus forward and make progress. To overcome
such challenges, here are 7 ways leaders can face the future in a world of
divisive politics, shifting expectations and constantly looming unknowns.
Your job is to lead your people into the future, not to stay stuck in the
Your focus is not on business as usual, but business as it could be. Look for and create new opportunities in every aspect of organizational life, whether it is a company’s market position, work culture, talent development or new products. Seek and embrace ways to make life better for your employees, your customers and the communities you are engaged in. Learn what your stakeholders really need, and then come up with new, viable and effective ways to meet those needs.
Embrace the fear of the unknown.
Look upon the scary issues as an asset, not a liability. Strive to be a champion and not be faint of heart. The world has never been more ambiguous, scary and full of opportunities than it is today. Be willing to take on the risks of uncertain battles with uncertain outcomes that come with new ideas. With your people, develop new organizational processes that help them adapt to and leverage every new situation as things play out differently from what was anticipated. Rejoice and celebrate with others when a new idea leads to something better for the organization.
Define the purpose that will drive your people and organization through the
discomfort of not knowing the outcome of new ideas.
The road to better outcomes is very uncomfortable. Try new ideas knowing and accepting that you will not be able to know what might happen. Allow yourself to be guided by a strong sense of purpose, a good sense of humor and a healthy dose of humility. Identify and embrace the ideals that give you and your people deep personal meaning. Turn these into the energy and power you need to face the challenges and make the best dreams really happen.
The road to better outcomes is very uncomfortable. Try new ideas knowing and accepting that you will not be able to know what might happen. Allow yourself to be guided by a strong sense of purpose, a good sense of humor and a healthy dose of humility. Identify and embrace the ideals that give you and your people deep personal meaning. Turn these into the energy and power you need to face the challenges and make the best dreams really happen.
Accept failure on the way to success.
Learn from every difficult lesson along the way. Test new ideas and find out whether they will be successful. Experiment with new ideas, technologies, approaches, systems and people. Embrace and celebrate failures, especially when they are risky but laden with great potential. Congratulate and thank your people for their efforts and bravery. Look at bumps along the road as learning opportunities rather than reasons to slash headcount, slow down or abandon the quest. Use them to revise, improve and drive the organization forward. Restore their spirits and galvanize them so they persist in achieving success.
Recognize that human beings are messy.
Learn to work with the difficulties they experience and help them overcome the challenges being faced. Avoiding your people in tough times is not an option. People come with their own set of requirements. Everyone is unique. There is no manual that guides in all circumstances. There is no way to predict what each person will do in any situation. Rise to every challenge and find the courage to connect with others. Humble yourself in a way that allows you to experience and understand them on their terms. Be willing to ask many questions to learn what your people see and seek. Resist being close-minded. Let others lead the conversation to surface the answers needed to create the best plan of action.
Be open to new knowledge and be critical of your self-knowledge, knowing that
the right information can be hard to attain.
Connect with new ideas and the people who can help make change happen. Develop and maintain an open channel that allows a free flow of education, uncluttered by fears and prejudices. Learn and explore who you are and how you got here. Separate and let go of the past so you can identify and act on what is relevant to the future.
Know when to move forward, even when you realize there is more to know.
Realize, as a leader, that you can never know everything there is to know. The world changes every second of every day. People change, facts change, situations change and opportunities come and go. Ask yourself—do we know enough to make a decision that is worth risking its unknown outcome? Ask your people to bring ideas forward if they see a risk that should influence or change the decision. Ask them for recommendations that will effectively manage and contain the risks. Decide to make the decision when you feel that the value of going forward is greater than not going forward.
Source: Chief Executive
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