Cross-Cultural Management:
The Attributes of an Effective Global Leader
by Sylvia Ann

Since early 2015, when he
began working with Sodexo’s executive committee as the global services firm’s
chief transformation officer, Sunil Nayak has undergone his own leadership
transformation. The new role required the former CEO of Sodexo India On-Site
Services to work with a team of 15 executives from different nationalities and
cultures, demanding a shift to a more inclusive leadership style. “In today’s
world, success for any leader is about being a good influencer,” says Nayak,
who has since been promoted to CEO of Sodexo’s Corporate Services Asia-Pacific.
“If you impose your method, if you’re not sensitive or aware of the other
person’s method, either you won’t come to a decision or you won’t get buy-in.”
Nayak is describing a set of
competencies that employees must master if they are to become leaders on the
global stage. As organizations grow and become more global, it’s crucial that
they develop these skills in their local talent so that they can work effectively
across cultures. Based on Center for Talent Innovation (CTI) research, we’ve
identified four competencies that rising talent needs to master to become
global leaders.
According to a recent CTI
study, global leaders must master a pivot to project credibility, demonstrating
authority in a form familiar to senior executives in the West (the vertical
pivot) while prioritizing emotional intelligence with stakeholders in local
global markets (the horizontal pivot). CTI’s 11-market study (of Brazil,
China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Turkey, the
U.S., and the UK) finds that 62% of senior leaders in the U.S. and the UK say
that demonstrating
authority projects credibility but only
47% of respondents in Asia think it does. Emotional intelligence (versus
demonstrating authority) is more important in the growth-hub markets: 57% of
respondents in Brazil, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Russia, Singapore, South
Africa, and Turkey say that demonstrating emotional intelligence wins the trust
and respect of teams in local markets.
Leaders who pivot well
horizontally, earning the trust and respect of their team, are 21% more likely
to be satisfied with their career progression than team leaders who haven’t.
That trend holds with leaders who pivot well vertically and have won the
attention and support of senior leaders: They’re 15% more likely to be satisfied
with their advancement.
Be Inclusive
As Nayak discovered, driving
value by unleashing ideas, spurring collaboration, and solving problems across
distance and difference requires shifting management methods from
command-and-control to behaving inclusively. The way to do this is by asking
questions and listening carefully, giving actionable feedback, facilitating
constructive arguments, taking advice and implementing feedback, maintaining
regular contact with team members, and sharing credit for team success. Global
team members with inclusive leaders are four times as likely as global team
members with noninclusive leaders to say their teams embrace the input of
members whose background or experience differs from their own.
Additionally, inclusive
leaders are more likely to encourage risk taking and disruptive thinking: Their
team members are three times as likely to say they’re not afraid to fail and
four-and-a-half times as likely to report that nobody on their team is
afraid to challenge the status quo. This has critical implications for
companies whose growth in new markets is predicated on breakthrough products
and services, as a growing body of research (including our own) suggests that leaders who don’t merely tolerate failure but avidly
celebrate it unlock game-changing innovation.
Effectively (Even Virtually)
Global leaders need to know
how to communicate — not just with their teams but with global
headquarters as well. “Communication skills need to be refined to a higher
level of sophistication,” observes Paul Abbot, EVP for American Express’s
Global Commercial Payments business. “If you don’t set the tone right from the
top, nothing will ever happen.”
Across all markets, leaders
need to speak well, deliver a compelling message, and command a room. What
differs from market to market, though, is how leaders demonstrate those skills.
In many markets, men are expected to deliver a compelling message by stating
their conclusions directly, while women are expected to guide listeners to
their conclusion. In Hong Kong, China, India, and Singapore, men are expected
to command a room in a forceful manner, but in Japan, Brazil, and Russia, women
are expected to command a room by facilitating others’ dialogue.
Win Sponsorship
Navigating global complexities
can be nearly impossible for rising leaders without the support and guidance of
a sponsor, a senior-level advocate who will support their protégé’s
authority and empower them to make decisions. They also make protégés visible
to leaders regionally and at headquarters.
To attract sponsorship at the
highest levels, emerging leaders need to be sponsors themselves. Seeding
high-potential talent, selecting top performers for development and stretch
assignments, and securing a future for them at the company beyond their own
borders signals to those at headquarters that you are thinking and acting like
a global leader. Indeed, no one is better positioned to sponsor emerging talent
than someone who has succeeded in vaulting those same barriers.
These four competencies are
the basis for global leadership. As multinational corporations expand into
different markets, they must take steps to ensure their rising local talent
learns these skills. Formal training programs can teach high-potential leaders
the competencies they need to think globally and manage cross-culturally. For
example, American Express created its Accelerated Leadership Development
program, in 2011. Over the course of the six-month program, 25 participants
from American Express offices around the world tackle real-time business
challenges to hone their strategic skill set, practice cross-functional
collaboration, and learn what it takes to be a transformational leader in
today’s ever-changing environment.
Sodexo created its Global
Agility program, which includes a series of initiatives and training modules
that are designed to promote cross-cultural competence and connect business
units and leaders in its 32,700 sites worldwide. These sessions help leaders
identify the cultures in which they would function best and understand how to
shift their approach to connect meaningfully with others when operating in
less-familiar environments. Other modules focus on leading virtual global
teams, building trust across cultures, and giving feedback and providing
recognition — all critical skills for building high-performing global
Source: Harvard Business Review
Haciendo click en cada uno de los links siguientes, Contenidos de nuestros
de las necesidades de su Organización:
- Curso Taller ¿Cómo incorporar y aplicar Modelos de PENSAMIENTO ESTRATÉGICO en la Organización? 2017:
- Curso Taller de PLANEAMIENTO ESTRATÉGICO - Recetas Eficientes para Escenarios Turbulentos 2017:
- Curso Taller ¿Cómo Gerenciar Eficientemente a partir del MANAGEMENT ESTRATÉGICO? 2017:
- Curso Taller GESTIÓN DEL CAMBIO - ¿Cómo GERENCIAR PROCESOS DE CAMBIO y no sufrir en el intento? 2017:
- Curso Taller de LIDERAZGO TRANSFORMACIONAL para la Toma de Decisiones 2017:
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Especialista Multicultural Global en Management Estratégico, Conducta Organizacional, Gestión del Cambio e Inversiones, graduado en Haas School of Business (University of California at Berkeley) y The Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania)
Consultor en Dirección General de Cultura y Educación de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
Miembro del Comité EEUU del Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales
Representante de The George Washington University para LatAm desde 1996
Ex Director Académico y Profesor de Gestión del Cambio del HSML Program para LatAm en GWU School of Medicine & Health Sciences (Washington DC)
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es una Consultora Interdisciplinaria cuya Misión es proveer
soluciones integrales, eficientes y operativas en todas las áreas vinculadas a:
Estrategias Multiculturales y Transculturales, Organizacionales y Competitivas,
Management Estratégico,
Gestión del Cambio,
Marketing Estratégico,
Gestión Educativa,
de Latino América (LatAm), para los Sectores:
a) Industria y Servicios,
b) Universidades y Centros de Capacitación,
c) ONGs y Gobiernos.
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