6 Key Personality Traits for Effective CEOs
by Julie Ritzer Ross
Such traits include, but are not
limited to, these six attributes:
1. Learning agility. According to the Korn Ferry
Institute, the educational arm of human resources consultancy Korn Ferry,
learning agility is “the willingness and ability to apply lessons learned from
past experiences to new and first-time situations and challenges”—or knowing
what to do when you don’t really have a clue what to do. CEOs and aspiring CEOs
who possess this trait are easily adaptible to changing environments, and
insatiably curious. They avoid defaulting to previously effective solutions and
problem-solving tactics, instead applying fresh, varied approaches, ideas and
solutions to new problems and unanticipated challenges.
2. Knack for building solid
relationships. A
10-year longitudinal study of more than 2,700 business executives in leadership
positions—conducted by consulting company Navalent and reported in a Harvard
Business Review note—found that the ability to form “deep, trusting
relationships” is the most “make it or break it” attribute of successful CEOs.
The best CEOs, the Review said, develop such connections by “investing heavily
in their own emotional and social intelligence, actively solicit feedback about
how others experience them, and learn to be vulnerable with their shortcomings
to create trust with others.”
3. Realistic optimism. In his book “Better Under
Pressure,” executive assessment expert Justin Menkes, Ph.D., noted that leaders
who possess this trait are confident, but neither irrational nor delusional
about themselves. They pursue “audacious” goals others may perceive as
“impossible pipe dreams,” while simultaneously remaining aware of the
challenges that confront them and any difficulties they may face on the road
4. Caring nature. No matter CEOs’ competence,
“not caring about your people or the organization’s mission will not get you
very far,” according to Forbes. In the corporate world, “caring”
means CEOs prioritize the organization above themselves and any personal
interests. One way to demonstrate this is to follow the rule that “the troops
eat first;” the other, to own one’s company’s failures as much as, or more
than, its successes—and being happy to give others credit for the latter.
5. Willingness to be a “host” rather
than a “hero.” Most
CEOs and other high-ranking executives take a “heroic” approach to leadership,
getting things done by “knowing more or working harder than anyone else,” Mark
McKergow, Ph.D. and author of “Host: Six New Roles of Engagement for Teams,
Organizations, Communities, Movement,” told Amex OPEN Forum, American Express’
online business publication. However, McKergow said, “the smart ones”
eventually realize that the role of the leader “is more like a host than a
hero” and entails “drawing people together around an issue or challenge,
engaging them, and getting results through others.”
6. Flexibility to listen as much—or more
than—talk. Just
because CEOs are the ultimate decision-makers in most situations pertaining to
their companies, doesn’t mean their opinions are the only ones that matter,
according to Inc. Employees will be far more productive in environments where
the CEO demonstrates a willingness to listen to any and all opinions—and
actively solicits them through something “as simple as a suggestion box-style
submission process, or as in depth as a series of personal interviews,” Inc.
Source: Chief Executive
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