Cross-Cultural Management:
How to Build Trust on your Cross-Cultural Team
How to Build Trust on your Cross-Cultural Team
By Andy Molinsky and Ernest

One of the most essential
characteristics for a high-functioning team — perhaps the single most
important characteristic — is trust. Anyone who has worked on a team knows
that team members must be able to trust each other to get the job done, and be
committed and dedicated to the overall welfare of the group. In any group of
individuals, trust is challenging to create and sustain, but in the case of a
multicultural team it can be especially difficult for a variety of different
First of
all, communication styles vary across cultures; so, too, does the
extent to which people socialize or get down to business at the start
of a meeting. There are differences in conventions
around time, giving feedback, and disagreeing publicly. Multicultural
teams are prone to friction due to perceptions of ethnocentrism, with minority
team members feeling ignored or not taken seriously.
How can leaders of
multicultural teams leverage the upside of diversity without falling prey to
its inherent challenges? In our collective experience working with
hundreds of individuals on cross-cultural teams around the globe, leaders of
multicultural teams can use the following five tips to build trust between team
Structure the team
for success.
The great organizational
behavior scholar Richard Hackman used to argue that the best way to
ensure a positive process in a team is to create initial conditions that set up
the team for success. For a multicultural team, that means making sure the team
has a clear and compelling direction, its members have access to the
information and resources they need to successfully carry out the work,
stakeholders in different geographies and functions are on board with the
team’s agenda, and the team is staffed wisely — ideally with people who
have the requisite technical skills as well as cultural
intelligence and global dexterity. Given the built-in challenges
these teams face to begin with, it’s essential to staff them with as many
curious, flexible, thoughtful, and emotionally stable members as possible.
Understand the
cross-cultural makeup of your team.
The leader of any
cross-cultural team needs to understand the different cultures,
language differences, and “fault lines” within the team, as well as the
potential for misconception and miscommunication. For example, if the team
comprises three Germans and three Koreans, you might guess that feedback
will be a cultural tripwire. Many Germans are notoriously comfortable giving
direct, unmitigated feedback, whereas the reverse is typically the case in
Korea unless the dialogue is between senior and junior colleagues. Making note
of these tensions can help you anticipate potential challenges and resolve them
swiftly and effectively.
That said, leaders also must
understand individual personalities. What if the three Korean members of the
team all went to school in the U.S., lived and worked in Europe, and are
anything but prototypical Korean in their cultural style? That would make for a
very different set of predictions about group dynamics.
Set very clear
norms and stick to them.
Multicultural team members are
inevitably going to bring a wide variety of different work styles and
personal preferences to the table. The team leader must establish team norms
that everyone sticks to — no matter what their personal default might be.
Rather than simply imposing your own preferred style, start by taking into
account what will work best for the team as a whole, and consider incorporating
practices from other cultures that could be useful. For instance, if you
normally assign individual responsibilities but many team members have a
preference for handling work in small project groups, you could assign complex
tasks to small groups.
Make the norms clear, but be
aware of who on the team might find it difficult to meet those expectations due
to cultural backgrounds. You may need additional communication for those team
members. For example, if you have established that team members must arrive
at meetings by the designated time to ensure a prompt start (Western-style
punctuality), you’ll need to reinforce that norm consistently across the group.
The same goes for patterns of communication. Multicultural team members benefit
from knowing what type of information they will receive when, and from having a
regular rhythm for video conferences, teleconferences, email updates, and
one-on-one discussions. This creates context and predictability that helps to
compensate for those instances when team members are remote from one another.
Of course, sometimes things change and adjustment is required, but in general,
keeping a consistent, clear structure regarding work styles and expectations is
a critical way to create a common-ground team culture.
Find ways to build
personal bonds.
Both of us have found that one
of the most powerful tools in easing potential conflict on a team is
establishing personal connections. Naturally, different global cultures have
different norms about relationship building. In some cultures, like the UK,
it takes a long time for people to build a friendship; in other cultures,
like Brazil, it seemingly happens overnight. Given this, you may not be
able to encourage deep, personal relationships — but you can foster rapport and
individual connections. Perhaps you discover that someone with a completely
different background from you is also an amateur photographer, or you both have
children who play the piano. You’d be surprised at the power of these personal
bonds, especially on a multicultural team. Leaders must create conditions for
these connections to form: Organize social events, pair quieter team members
with vocal ones, or directly facilitate introductions between specific members
who you think might have hidden commonalities. Chances are, the benefits will
circle directly back to the team.
When conflict
arises, address it immediately.
Conflict is inevitable in any
team, let alone a multicultural one. If tension arises, address it quickly so
that a small conflict doesn’t balloon into something impossible to manage.
Leaders need to be capable of understanding multiple cultural
perspectives and serving as a cultural bridge between parties in conflict
situations. This may require an understanding of indirect as well as
direct communication styles, and a readiness to have a frank group discussion
or confidential side conversations, depending on the situation.
Trust is the glue that makes
any team function at a high level, but it doesn’t happen magically, especially
in the case of a team composed of culturally diverse members. With the
motivation to make things work and the tips above, you should be in a great position
to leverage the benefits of diversity while minimizing its challenges.
Source: Harvard Business Review
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Especialista Multicultural Global en Management Estratégico, Conducta Organizacional, Gestión del Cambio e Inversiones, graduado en Haas School of Business (University of California at Berkeley) y The Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania)
Consultor en Dirección General de Cultura y Educación de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
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es una Consultora Interdisciplinaria cuya Misión es proveer
soluciones integrales, eficientes y operativas en todas las áreas vinculadas a:
Estrategias Multiculturales y Transculturales, Organizacionales y Competitivas,
Management Estratégico,
Gestión del Cambio,
Marketing Estratégico,
Gestión Educativa,
de Latino América (LatAm), para los Sectores:
a) Industria y Servicios,
b) Universidades y Centros de Capacitación,
c) ONGs y Gobiernos.
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