Can you do VUCA? 5 Key Strategies for Success
by Brigadier General George
Forsythe, Karen Kuhla and Daniel Rice

“Disruption is as great as we have
ever seen it,” says Joe DePinto, CEO of 7-Eleven. “We are seeing all aspects of
The U.S. Army coined the acronym
VUCA in the 1990s to describe the post-Cold War operational environment:
Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. Facing a VUCA environment, the Army
developed doctrines and procedures that allowed leaders at all levels to
respond effectively.
The idea of VUCA has since been
embraced by leaders in all sectors of society, in particular the current business
world, to describe the nature of the world in which they operate:
- The accelerating rate of change (volatility)
- The lack of predictability (uncertainty)
- The interconnectedness of cause-and-effect forces (complexity)
- And the strong potential for misreads (ambiguity).
Certainly, 7-Eleven is not alone.
Thomas Friedman, in his recent book, “Thank You for Being Late,” argues that most organizations
face significant environmental complexity in “the age of accelerations” and
identifies three main drivers of our contemporary VUCA environment: the
exponential growth of technology, globalization and the environment (climate
change, population growth and migration), which all are accelerating
simultaneously. This “Supernova”—as Friedman calls the convergence of these
drivers—has created a VUCA environment for nearly every business and every
How do CEOs and their companies
understand the challenges of a VUCA environment? How do they adapt and innovate
quickly to respond appropriately? To answer these questions, we interviewed 6
CEOs/Chairman/Presidents from a variety of industries:
- Joe DePinto – CEO, 7-Eleven
- Mike Fucci – Chairman, Deloitte
- Tony Guzzi – CEO, EMCOR
- Margaret Keane – President and CEO, Synchrony Financial
- Bob Leduc – President, Pratt & Whitney, and
- Bob Weidner – President and CEO, MSCI
We asked each to describe their
business environment and discuss how they are leading their companies to thrive
in the face of massive disruptions.
This is the first of a series of six articles focusing on what the CEOs did to adjust to their VUCA environment, how it worked and what they learned from their efforts that might be helpful to other CEOs. We hope our readers will find this series, drawn from personal stories, to be of benefit as they lead their companies and teams in today’s VUCA environment.
We begin with a case study drawn from the U.S. Army’s creation of and experience with VUCA to introduce several key concepts that will provide a framework for subsequent articles. In addition to the CEO interviews, we also interviewed General (retired) Dennis Reimer, a former Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army. General Reimer led the Army of over 1 million soldiers in the latter half of the 1990s and presided over the service’s transformation following the end of the Cold War. Under General Reimer’s command, the concept of “VUCA” was created and the Army’s doctrine and procedures to deal with a VUCA environment were formulated.
General Reimer said the Army’s VUCA
environment began in December 1989 with the fall of the Berlin Wall and
subsequent end of the Cold War. The Army had spent decades building what he
called “a threat-based force,” with a single focus on deterring and, if
necessary, defeating, a military threat from the Soviet Union. The demise of
the Soviet Union ushered in a New World Order, which President George H. W.
Bush at the time said was “long on New and short on Order.” Uncertainty about
potential threats meant the Army had to be ready for a full spectrum of
conflict, from low-intensity conflicts to nuclear war. To respond to this new
VUCA environment, the Army moved from a threat-based force to a
capability-based force, prepared to “go anywhere in the world, with the right
force.” And so, the Army had to be able to mix and match forces to adapt to a
more complex and uncertain operational environment. “When you go from something
like a threat-based force to a capabilities-based force and all that entails,
you end up really doing a transformation,” said General Reimer.
How did the Army transform? According
to Reimer, the answer is by using 5 key strategies to position the Army for
future success. These strategies have much in common with what business leaders
are doing to make their organizations more adaptive.
1. Shaping the Culture around
Mission and Values.
leaders shape the organizational culture. Particularly during times of rapid
change, it is critical for the chief executive to pay attention to culture.
General Reimer noted one cannot change everything at once—the CEO must keep the
organization focused. As the Army’s chief of staff, he chose to focus on
mission and values and encouraged leaders at all levels to live by, and
reinforce, the organization’s values. He cautioned that without a strong
emphasis on mission and values, periods of rapid change might create negative
leadership conditions within the organization. The Army experienced such
challenges in the 1990s when the Army was simultaneously downsizing its
end-strength and reorganizing the force, which led General Reimer to redouble
his efforts to promote the Army’s core values.
2. Leveraging Technology.
For General Reimer, technology
was a key driver in both the acceleration of change and the success of the
Army’s adaptation. “We decided we wanted to change the way we operate. If we
didn’t change, we were going to lose the advantage we had over the other
armies. And so, we set about digitizing the Army.” The Army planned to use
digital technology to create a complete picture of the battlefield and, thus,
gain an advantage over potential adversaries. “We figured if we could answer
three questions: Where am I? Where are my buddies? And where is the enemy? Then
we could really change the way the army fights.”
3. Aligning Organizational
need for flexibility and rapid response led to an examination of how the Army
was structured to be able to respond to a wide range of possible threats. The
Army has six major levels of command from largest to smallest:
Army > Corps > Division >
Brigade > Battalion > Company
The Army division (10,000-18,000
soldiers) had been the force that was deployed to face known Soviet threats,
but after the Cold War ended, smaller brigade-sized forces (3,000-5,000
soldiers) afforded greater flexibility, and they could be mixed and matched to
meet specific threats. This was no small change. This transformation required
changes in training, leader development, supply chain management, and,
inevitably, how we fight and win our wars. There is no doubt that a
brigade-based structure is more agile than the “Cold War” paradigm of the
division-based force. But to make that move would require time and effort and
possibly distract from current missions. The problem was the personnel and
leader-development systems were all geared to support a division-based structure.
So, General Reimer asked his senior commanders to read about, and reflect on,
the idea of change. In the end, they decided on a hybrid approach that aligned
structure to current mission requirements.
There was some merit to going to a
brigade-based force. The problem we had—and the problem I particularly had, was
I couldn’t quite figure out how to make the leader development work for that
size or that type of an Army. We had certain leader development programs we
wanted our leaders to go through. And when you remove a level of command, then
you ask yourself, “How do you go from the brigade-level to the Corps-level,”
for example. And it didn’t work. So, we backed off of that. But what we did was
to leave the division structure in place and to mix and match a lot more. And
that’s the way most of the wars, or most of stability operations in
Afghanistan, Iraq—well, the second war and then also, the stability force, have
been fought. You use that mix and match methodology and it seems to be working
out all right.
4. Establishing a Learning
the 1990s, the Army experimented with these new ideas—creating the digital
battlefield and operating with nimble tactical formations. The Army established
a test bed at Fort Hood, Texas to try out these concepts which involved lots of
people trying new ideas, gathering data, and reporting back to the Army the
results of the tests. Despite some naysayers, the results of the tests were
positive enough for the Army to move forward. As General Reimer said, “we just
made the decision that we’re close enough. We’re at the 90% solution. Let’s
just take it forward. And I’m glad we did.”
Next, the Army ran a series of war
game simulations to test the concepts against a variety of current and future
threat scenarios. After every exercise, large or small, all leaders used
after-action reviews to learn and implement lessons learned in future
operations. The objective was to learn how the new ideas stacked up against
alternative threats, to ensure the transformed Army would embody the
characteristics that would meet the challenges of this VUCA world.
Additionally, Army units incorporated the new concepts into tactical training
in force-on-force simulated combat at the combat maneuver training centers to
prepare leaders and units for the new operational environment. Throughout the
transformation process, General Reimer clearly communicated the need for change
and encouraged experimentation and information sharing within the Army.
5. Leader Development.
General Reimer reflected on
the importance of leader development within the Army, emphasizing the necessity
for a continuous and progressive system of professional education, training and
job experiences to prepare leaders throughout the chain of command for the
management of change. As the CEO, he also emphasized the importance of
succession planning for the most senior executive positions. He told the story
of how four successive Army chiefs of staff progressed through critical assignments—deputy
chief of staff for operations, vice chief of staff, and chief of staff—and that
continuity in top leadership allowed the Army to maintain the transformation’s
momentum and continuity from the end of the Cold War well into the post 9-11 era.
5 strategies presented above provide a framework for examining what works today
in the business world. In subsequent articles, we will look at how corporate
CEOs understand their VUCA environments and are positioning their companies to
respond effectively. What does VUCA look like today, and how are business
leaders adapting to ensure success? Do the strategies used by the Army after
the Cold War make sense in today’s business world?
Fuente: Chief Executive
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- Curso Taller de LIDERAZGO TRANSFORMACIONAL para la Toma de Decisiones 2018:
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.·. Dr. Miguel Ángel MEDINA CASABELLA, MSM, MBA, MHSA .·.
Especialista Multicultural Global en Management Estratégico, Conducta Organizacional, Gestión del Cambio e Inversiones, graduado en University of California at Berkeley y The Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania)
Consultor en Dirección General de Cultura y Educación de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
Miembro del Comité EEUU del Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales
Representante de The George Washington University para LatAm desde 1996
Ex Director Académico y Profesor de Gestión del Cambio del HSML Program para LatAm en
The George Washington University (Washington DC)
The George Washington University (Washington DC)
Skype: medinacasabella
es una Consultora Interdisciplinaria cuya Misión es proveer
soluciones integrales, eficientes y operativas en todas las áreas vinculadas a:
Estrategias Multiculturales y Transculturales, Organizacionales y Competitivas,
Management Estratégico,
Gestión del Cambio,
Marketing Estratégico,
Proyectos de Inversión,
Gestión Educativa,
de Latino América (LatAm), para los Sectores:
a) Industria y Servicios,
b) Universidades y Centros de Capacitación,
c) ONGs y Gobiernos.
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