Make Strategic Thinking part of your job
by Ron Carucci

It’s a common complaint among top executives: “I’m spending all my time
managing trivial and tactical problems, and I don’t have time to get to the
big-picture stuff.” And yet when I ask my executive clients, “If I cleared your
calendar for an entire day to free you up to be ‘more strategic,’ what would
you actually do?” most have no idea. I often get a shrug and a blank stare in
response. Some people assume that thinking strategically is a function of
thinking up “big thoughts” or reading scholarly research on business trends.
Others assume that watching TED talks or lectures by futurists will help
them think more strategically.
How can we implement strategic thinking if we’re not even sure what it
looks like?
In our 10-year longitudinal study of
over 2,700 newly appointed executives, 67% of them said they struggled with
letting go of work from previous roles. More than half (58%) said they were
expected to know details about work and projects they believed were beneath
their level, and more than half also felt they were involved in decisions that
those below them should be making. This suggests that the problem of too little
strategic leadership may be as much a function of doing as of thinking.
Rich Horwath, CEO of the Strategic Thinking Institute, found in his research that
44% of managers spent most of their time firefighting in cultures that rewarded
reactivity and discouraged thoughtfulness. Nearly all leaders (96%) claimed
they lacked time for strategic thinking, again, because they were too busy
putting out fires. Both issues appear to be symptoms masking a fundamental issue.
In my experience helping executives succeed at the top of companies, the best
content for great strategic thinking comes right from one’s own job.
Here are three practical ways I’ve helped executives shift their roles to
assume the appropriate strategic focus required by their jobs.
Identify the strategic requirements of your job.
One chief operating
officer I worked with was appointed to her newly created role with the
expressed purpose of integrating two supply chain organizations resulting from
an acquisition. Having risen through the supply chain ranks, she spent most of
her time reacting to operational missteps and customer complaints. Her adept
problem-solving skill had trained the organization to look to her for quick
decisions to resolve issues. I asked her, “What’s the most important thing your
CEO and board want you to accomplish in this role?” She answered readily, “To
take out duplicate costs from redundant work and to get the organization on one
technology platform to manage our supply chain.” Her succinct clarity surprised
even her, though she quickly realized how little she was engaged in activities
that would reach that outcome. We broke the mandate into four focus areas
for her organization, realigned her team to include leaders from both
organizations, and ensured all meetings and decisions she was involved in directly
connected to her mandate.
Unfortunately, for many executives, the connection between their role and
the strategic contribution they should make is not so obvious. As quoted in
Horwath’s study, Harvard Business School professor David Collis says, “It’s a
dirty little secret: Most executives cannot articulate the objective, scope,
and advantage of their business in a simple statement. If they can’t, neither
can anyone else.” He also cites Roger Martin’s
research, which found that 43% of managers cannot state
their own strategy. Executives with less clarity must work harder to etch out
the line of sight between their role and its impact on the organization’s
direction. In some cases, shedding the collection of bad habits that have
consumed how they embody their role will be their greatest challenge to
embodying strategic thinking.
Uncover patterns to focus resource investments.
Once a clear line of
sight is drawn to a leader’s strategic contribution, resources must be aligned
to focus on that contribution. For many new executives, the large pile of
resources they now get to direct has far greater consequence than anything
they’ve allocated before. Aligning budgets and bodies around a unified
direction is much harder when there’s more of them, especially when reactionary
decision making has become the norm. Too often, immediate crises cause
executives to whiplash people and money.
This is a common symptom of missing insights. Without a sound fact and
insight base on which to prioritize resources, squeaky wheels get all the
grease. Great strategic executives know how to use data to generate new
insights about how they and their industries make money. Examining patterns of
performance over time — financial, operational, customer, and competitive
data — will reveal critical foresight about future opportunities and risks.
For some, the word insight may conjure up notions of
breakthrough ideas or “aha moments.” But studying basic patterns within
available data gives simple insights that pinpoint what truly sets a company
apart. In the case of the supply chain executive above, rather than a blanket cost
reduction, she uncovered patterns within her data that identified and protected
the most competitive work of her organization: getting products to customers on
time and accurately. She isolated those activities from work that added little
value or was redundant, which is where she focused her cost-cutting efforts.
She was able to dramatically reduce costs while improving the customer’s
Such focus helps leaders allocate money and people with confidence. They
know they are working on the right things without reacting to impulsive ideas
or distracting minutia.
Invite dissent to build others’ commitment.
Strategic insight is as
much a social capability as it is an intellectual one. No executive’s strategic
brilliance will ever be acted upon alone. An executive needs those she leads to
translate strategic insights into choices that drive results. For people to
commit to carrying out an executive’s strategic thinking, they have to
both understand and believe in it.
That’s far more difficult than it sounds. One study found
that only 14% of people understood their company’s strategy and only 24% felt
the strategy was linked to their individual accountabilities. Most executives
mistakenly assume that repeated explanations through dense PowerPoint
presentations are what increases understanding and ownership of strategy.
To the contrary, people’s depth of commitment increases when they, not
their leader, are talking. One executive I work with habitually takes his
strategic insights to his team and intentionally asks for dueling fact bases to
both support and refute his thinking. As the debate unfolds, flawed assumptions
are surfaced and replaced with shared understanding, ideas are refined, and
ownership for success spreads.
Sound strategic thinking doesn’t have to remain an abstract mystery only
a few are able to realize. Despite the common complaint, it’s not the result of
making time for it. Executives must extract themselves from day-to-day problems
and do the work that aligns their job with the company’s strategy. They need to
be armed with insights that predict where best to focus resources. And they
need to build a coalition of support by inviting those who must execute to
disagree with and improve their strategic thinking. Taking these three
practical steps will raise the altitude of executives to the appropriate
strategic work of the future, freeing those they lead to direct the operational
activities of today.
Fuente: Harvard Business Review
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Consultas al email:
.·. Dr. Miguel Ángel MEDINA CASABELLA, MSM, MBA, MHSA .·.
Especialista Multicultural Global en Management Estratégico, Conducta Organizacional, Gestión del Cambio e Inversiones, graduado en University of California at Berkeley y The Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania)
Consultor en Dirección General de Cultura y Educación de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
Miembro del Comité EEUU del Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales
Representante de The George Washington University para LatAm desde 1996
Ex Director Académico y Profesor de Gestión del Cambio del HSML Program para LatAm en
The George Washington University (Washington DC)
The George Washington University (Washington DC)
Skype: medinacasabella
es una Consultora Interdisciplinaria cuya Misión es proveer
soluciones integrales, eficientes y operativas en todas las áreas vinculadas a:
Estrategias Multiculturales y Transculturales, Organizacionales y Competitivas,
Management Estratégico,
Gestión del Cambio,
Marketing Estratégico,
Proyectos de Inversión,
Gestión Educativa,
de Latino América (LatAm), para los Sectores:
a) Industria y Servicios,
b) Universidades y Centros de Capacitación,
c) ONGs y Gobiernos.
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