Takeda moves to join
Pharma Giants with $62B Shire deal
by Lisa Du and Maiko Takahashi

Chief Executive Officer Christophe Weber capped
a drawn-out pursuit of the U.K.-listed company with an acquisition he described
as transformational that will give Takeda wider reach into the world’s biggest
drug market and strengthen its global pipeline for lucrative drugs that treat
rare diseases.
“The two combined create a rich pipeline in all
stages -- early and late stage, which is very important," Weber said on a
call after the deal was announced Tuesday. “We are in a good momentum and in a
strong position.”
Takeda’s largest acquisition would catapult the
company into the top 10 within the global pharmaceutical industry and add drugs
like Shire’s Adderall for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to its
roster. Weber, a Frenchman who is the first foreigner to lead the 237-year-old
Japanese firm, is seeking growth in new markets and rare-disease treatments,
which offer higher profit margins, amid patent expirations and drug pricing
pressures at home.
Bigger Pharma
Takeda and Shire's combined $31 billion revenue
would be in industry's top 10 (Source: Bloomberg, based on companies' filings
for most-recent fiscal year):
- Johnson & Johnson $76,5B
- Roche $54,2B
- Pfizer $52,6B
- Novartis $50,1B
- Sanofi $40,9B
- Merck & Co. $40,1B
- Bayer $39,6B
- Glaxo $38,9B
- Takeda + Shire $31,2B
- Abbvie $29,2B
To help fund the cash portion of the deal,
Takeda said it has secured a bridge loan facility of $31 billion with JPMorgan
Chase Bank NA, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp. and MUFG Bank Ltd., among
others. Shire shares rose as much as 5.7 percent early Tuesday in London, while
Takeda rose 4 percent in Tokyo before the deal was announced.
The bridge loan will be refinanced with a
combination of long-term and hybrid debt, as well as cash, Weber said. The
company could also consider issuing shares, he added.
With few late-stage experimental drugs in its
own pipeline, Takeda needs lucrative new therapies. A Shire takeover brings
Takeda treatments for rare diseases such as hemophilia -- a field that’s
luring a growing number of drugmakers that can charge more for unique
life-saving drugs than for routine treatment.
The deal increases Takeda’s exposure to the
U.S., the world’s biggest pharmaceutical market. Shire, based in Lexington,
Massachusetts, gets more than two-thirds of its revenue from North America.
Takeda generates only 30 percent of its sales from the region.

Takeda had raised its bids over a six-week
chase and agreed on a 60 percent premium to Shire’s closing price on March 27,
before Takeda disclosed its interest. The agreement offers $30.33 in cash and
either 0.839 new Takeda shares or 1.678 Takeda American depositary receipts.
The companies indicated in late April they had
reached a preliminary deal valued at $64 billion, based on a stronger exchange
rate for the pound at the time.
Takeda’s financial advisers included Evercore
Inc., JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Nomura Holdings Inc., while Shire received
financial advice from Citigroup Inc., Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs Group
While the deal would boost Takeda’s earnings
potential, it also comes with risks. Japanese investors have worried about the
hefty debt. S&P Global Ratings placed Takeda on a watch and warned it
may lower the company’s ratings by up to two notches, it said in a statement
Moody’s Investors Service warning last
month that Takeda could face a multiple-step credit downgrade due to a “spike
in leverage.”
Takeda said the deal will save about $600
million in duplicated research and development costs. The company expects $1.4
billion in overall savings by the third year.
“The cost synergies seem to be much bigger than
expected in the next three years,” Credit Suisse analyst Fumiyoshi Sakai said.
Bigger Rival
Takeda, which has seen its market value slide
to $34 billion since announcing its interest, is taking over a much bigger
rival. Shire’s shares have soared 31 percent, giving the company a market
capitalization of about $50 billion.
A completed deal would dwarf SoftBank Group
Corp.’s $40 billion purchase of Sprint in 2013, which ranked as the biggest
takeover by a Japanese company. Takeda’s largest previous purchase was a $13.7
billion takeover of Nycomed A/S in 2011. Last year, the company expanded its
footprint in the U.S. oncology market with the $4.7 billion purchase of Ariad
Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Takeda said it will maintain its headquarters
in Japan and will evaluate consolidating Shire’s operations into Takeda’s in
the Boston area, Switzerland and Singapore.
Fuente: Bloomberg
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.·. Dr. Miguel Ángel MEDINA CASABELLA, MSM, MBA, MHSA .·.
Especialista Multicultural Global en Management Estratégico, Conducta Organizacional, Gestión del Cambio e Inversiones, graduado en University of California at Berkeley y The Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania)
Consultor en Dirección General de Cultura y Educación de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
Miembro del Comité EEUU del Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales
Representante de The George Washington University para LatAm (2017-1996)
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The George Washington University (Washington DC)
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