What's eating your lunch? A
tale of Strategy and Culture
by Alaina Love

“No kicking, no biting, no
scratching!” I admonished, as I watched six senior leaders (all men) duke it
out during a three-day strategy session held in a secluded hotel conference
room far from their corporate offices.
Things were getting pretty
heated and the exchanges were progressively brutal during a meeting in which
these top leaders were supposed to be defining the steps that their company
needed to take to regain dominance in the industry.
“We can’t do what you’re
suggesting,” the head of sales shouted at one of his colleagues. “Product
development will never deliver on time and we will be stuck with a financial
target that there is no way we can meet! They screwed us over last year and
we’ve been racing to close the gap for the last 10 months. Our sales teams are spent and
These leaders were part of a
company that had grown from a young startup, full of energy and fresh ideas, to
a billion-dollar firm with thousands of employees. Today, it bears little
resemblance to the firm they had all joined years before, and the leaders were
experiencing the frustration of navigating a bureaucracy that they had to own a
hand in creating.
As the company grew, the
founding team worked hard to safeguard their turf, especially after an industry
giant, known for its extensive processes and procedures, acquired the firm.
While analysts heralded the acquisition as a brilliant move, and top leaders
celebrated the increased value of their stock options, other insiders worried
about how the acquisition would change the culture that had made the company
As I watched the six leaders
locking horns that day like boys in a schoolyard battle, I realized that they
were in the throes of a struggle with balancing traditional and evolutionary
leadership thinking, specifically the delicate balance between the power of
strategy and culture to shape or thwart success.
Critical balance
The new corporate strategy
these leaders were attempting to implement was to grow sales by acquiring more
and more new customers, a strategy that was supposed to be supported by annual
launches of innovative products that were well ahead of industry competitors.
While that seemed like a solid
plan, as it turns out, the products were rarely delivered on time, and when
they were released, the sales force struggled to understand their value based
on customer needs. This dilemma was coupled with a culture that had been built
on customer service, which was now at odds with a strategy that required sales
representatives to chase down larger numbers of new prospects, fragmenting the
time they had to devote to existing clients.
It should come as no surprise,
then, that sales churn grew as the strategy unfolded. Formerly loyal and
long-standing customers began to cancel orders because they were irritated with
the shrinking level of service and handholding they were receiving, and the
diminishing number of support visits from sales representatives. To add insult
to injury, the company raised prices for current products in an attempt to meet
revenue goals that were not being achieved through new-product adoption. The
culture that had made the young startup great, one of customer service and
innovation, was eating this new strategy for lunch — and the balance sheet was
choking on the crumbs.
While the war to regain
customers was being waged in territories across the country, things weren’t
getting better at headquarters. Divisional leaders were adopting a strategy of
protectionism, where butt-covering and maneuvering to be seen favorably by the
CEO were crushing innovation. A culture that once welcomed out-of-the-box ideas
and valued what could be learned from mistakes was now safely skating down the
middle road, instead of exploring the edges of possibility.
Worse, whoever stood in good
graces with the acquiring company’s leadership was the voice that got heard,
and no leader was openly willing to reveal product-development issues to the
CEO. Mud rolled downhill, as it is inclined to do, and landed squarely on the
heads of the sales team, which was gasping to achieve targets that were
virtually insurmountable.
This is a story of failure, a
Shakespearean drama being played out in conference rooms across industries,
maybe even in your own organization. Your company is in deep trouble when
leaders at the operating level aren’t courageous enough to shine a bright light
on dysfunctional practices that thwart productivity. It’s usually a sign that
they care more about their own survival than the future of the business.
These leaders forget that,
first and foremost, they are stewards of the business and should be champions
of the ideas and people who make it run. If you allow the culture that has made
your organization successful to be smothered by corporate need for control, the
opportunities to innovate will diminish. And the only ones who’ll be left at
the table for dessert are your competitors.
Fuente: SmartBrief
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- http://medinacasabella.blogspot.com.ar/2016/04/pensamiento-estrategico-curso-taller-in.html
- Curso Taller de PLANEAMIENTO ESTRATÉGICO - Recetas Eficientes para Escenarios Turbulentos 2016-2017:
- http://medinacasabella.blogspot.com.ar/2016/04/planeamiento-estrategico-curso-taller.html
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- http://medinacasabella.blogspot.com.ar/2016/04/management-estrategico-curso-taller-in.html
- Curso Taller ¿Cómo GERENCIAR PROCESOS DE CAMBIO y no sufrir en el intento? 2016-2017:
- http://medinacasabella.blogspot.com.ar/2016/04/gestion-del-cambio-2016-2017-curso.html
- Curso Taller de LIDERAZGO TRANSFORMACIONAL para la Toma de Decisiones 2016-2017:
- http://medinacasabella.blogspot.com.ar/2016/04/liderazgo-transformacional-2016-2017.html
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