4 Key-Behaviors for Successful Leadership
by Aneil Mishra

One of my favorite leadership tools is Gallup’s StrengthsFinder.
I don’t make a dime in royalties by using it, so trust me that it’s one
of the best ways to enhance your both leadership and career toolkits.
Using this tool along with my own tools, I’ve help scores of
individuals get promotions and find great new jobs by highlighting their
strengths in their resumes, elevator pitches, and interviews.
Indeed, I believe that managing your own career effectively goes hand
in hand with developing yourself as a leader, and that begins by demonstrating courage, humility, and authenticity.
Knowing your strengths gives you the courage to take on greater
responsibilities in your current position, or seek new opportunities
elsewhere if you’re not being properly recognized and rewarded by your
current organization. Knowing your strengths will also help you you
identify your weaknesses, which is critical for humility and keeping
courage from becoming arrogance or foolhardiness. Finally, all great
leaders challenge the status quo, build diverse teams as well as
cultures based on trust, and demonstrate consistent bottom-line results authentically, based on their unique combination of strengths.
Don’t just take my word for it. Professor Syd Finkelstein,
the Steven Roth Professor of Management and Director of the Leadership
Center at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College has found
that the world’s most successful bosses develop their people by focusing
on”growth opportunities tailored to the ambitions, talents, and
capacities of each person.” So, if you want to get noticed by your CEO,
and become one yourself someday, it pays to focus on your strengths.
Moreover, companies such as Facebook, Intuit, Anheuser-Busch InBev NV
and retailer Zappos.com Inc are increasingly focusing on
strengths/talents rather than specific skills through what is being
called “program hiring.” You should be doing the same, i.e., by
assessing the fit between your own strengths and career goals with what
your current organization or prospective employees say they need and
So, what are strengths? Gallup has identified four domains or categories: Executing, Influencing, Relationship Building, and Strategic Thinking, comprising 34 distinct strengths:
Leaders with Executing strengths know how to make things happen, and those with Influencing strengths help their team reach a much broader audience. Those who lead with Relationship Building are the essential glue that holds a team together, and those with Strategic Thinking strengths are the ones who keep us all focused on what could be.“
My own coaching and consulting has found that most individuals have
strengths in two of the four domains, whereas great teams and
organizations possess a variety of strengths across all four domains.
Great leaders, then, are those who forge teams that comprise all four
kinds of strengths. Equally important, these leaders build the mutual trust
that is essential for individuals to combine their strengths in
complementary and innovative ways, and for them to help one another
offset their weaknesses.
To become a great leader, you need to first fashion a great career. Start with your strengths.
Fuente: Ivyexec
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- http://medinacasabella.blogspot.com.ar/2016/04/liderazgo-transformacional-2016-2017.html
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