Will your Company Change or Die?
by Michael Lee Stallard

Consider this: few of the 500
largest corporations from 50 years ago exist today. They failed to change and
became irrelevant, left behind by emerging competitors more in tune with the
How is it possible that so many top
companies made this same fatal mistake? The answer may lie in a simple
explanation. Humans run corporations, and humans have a biological aversion to
Change creates stress. It boosts
stress neurotransmitters in our brains and stress hormones throughout our
bodies. It shifts brain activity from the cortex where we make rational
decisions to the mid-brain where we are more likely to make rash decisions.
We can handle short periods of
stress. Ongoing stress, however, kills productivity, wellness and well being.
As humans, we naturally avoid
change, and when we do encounter change, we tend to handle it poorly. The best
organizations recognize this, and cope with change and the accompanying stress
through carefully designed workplace cultures.
There are three types of workplace
cultures common today: cultures of control, indifference and connection. These
cultures significantly affect the long-term health of organizations.
In Cultures
of Control, people with power, control, influence, and status rule over
others. This culture creates an environment where people fear to make mistakes
and take risks.
Cultures of Indifference are predominant today. In this type
of culture, people are so busy chasing money, power, and status that they fail
to invest the time necessary to develop healthy, supportive relationships. This
is, in essence, the culture that evolves when no one cares to actively shape
the culture.
Cultures of control and cultures of
indifference don’t adapt well to change. In these cultures, people turn on each
other rather than pulling together to adapt to change.
A Connection Culture on the other hand,
provides the right environment to navigate change and diminish the corrosive
effects of stress. Connection culture can be defined as an organizational
culture marked by shared identity, empathy, and understanding — a definition
that tells us the elements required to create a great workplace culture.
Breaking the definition down
further, shared identity is how the members of a group think of themselves and
is based on a mix of vision, mission, values and reputation. Shared empathy
comes about when people care for others rather than treat them as means to an
end. Shared understanding is enhanced when good, two-way communication gives
people a voice, though not necessarily a vote, in decision-making. When these
three factors are present, a bond is created that keeps people feeling safe so
the brain and nervous system work in a state of balance that supports the
rational decision-making and cooperation necessary to effectively deal with
Several years ago, one of my
clients, FCB, a leading global advertising network, hired a leader to manage
its New Zealand agency, which had approximately 60 employees and lagged in the
marketplace. The new leader, Bryan Crawford, expanded the leadership team
and asked them to work together to create the culture they always wanted to
work in. He was approachable and got to know the people in the agency.
When the global financial crisis
struck in 2008, FCB New Zealand saw its revenue growth potential evaporate as
clients cut marketing budgets. Competitors with cultures of control or
indifference made staff reductions. FCB New Zealand’s leadership team took a
different approach. They made retaining staff their top priority. Instead of
making staff cuts, executive team leaders agreed to take a voluntary 10% pay
cut (without asking others to take pay cuts), created teams to identify revenue
generating and cost saving ideas, and implemented an employee engagement survey
to give staff a voice in evaluating leaders.
Detailed financials were shared with
staff so they could see the impact of ideas as they were implemented. Staff
responded with greater engagement and actions that improved FCB’s financial
performance. They even recommended sacrificing the beer budget for the sake of
saving jobs.
FCB New Zealand’s connection culture
united them. As a result, they pulled together and successfully dealt with
change. Since that time, FCB New Zealand has nearly quadrupled in size. It is
consistently recognized as one of the best places to work and the best company
in its marketplace. Acknowledged as one of the best leaders in the Asia-Pacific
region, this leader of FCB New Zealand was appointed vice chairman of the
overall global organization, in recognition of his quick turnaround of the
business, remarkable results and superior leadership.
Is your organization facing the need to change? Would you describe your organization as having a culture of control, indifference or connection? Having the right culture can make or break your organization’s future.
Is your organization facing the need to change? Would you describe your organization as having a culture of control, indifference or connection? Having the right culture can make or break your organization’s future.
Fuente: SmartBrief
Haciendo click en cada uno de los links siguientes, Contenidos de nuestros
de las necesidades de su Organización:
- Curso Taller ¿Cómo incorporar y aplicar Modelos de PENSAMIENTO ESTRATÉGICO en la Organización? 2016-2017:
- http://medinacasabella.blogspot.com.ar/2016/04/pensamiento-estrategico-curso-taller-in.html
- Curso Taller de PLANEAMIENTO ESTRATÉGICO - Recetas Eficientes para Escenarios Turbulentos 2016-2017:
- http://medinacasabella.blogspot.com.ar/2016/04/planeamiento-estrategico-curso-taller.html
- Curso Taller ¿Cómo Gerenciar Eficientemente a partir del MANAGEMENT ESTRATÉGICO? 2016-2017:
- http://medinacasabella.blogspot.com.ar/2016/04/management-estrategico-curso-taller-in.html
- Curso Taller ¿Cómo GERENCIAR PROCESOS DE CAMBIO y no sufrir en el intento? 2016-2017:
- http://medinacasabella.blogspot.com.ar/2016/04/gestion-del-cambio-2016-2017-curso.html
- Curso Taller de LIDERAZGO TRANSFORMACIONAL para la Toma de Decisiones 2016-2017:
- http://medinacasabella.blogspot.com.ar/2016/04/liderazgo-transformacional-2016-2017.html
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Especialista en Management Estratégico, Gestión del Cambio e Inversiones
Representante de The George Washington University en Foros y Ferias de LatAm desde 2001
Representante de The George Washington University Medical Center para los Países de LatAm desde 1996
Ex Director Académico y Profesor de Gestión del Cambio del HSML Program para LatAm en GWU School of Medicine & Health Sciences (Washington DC)
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es una Consultora Interdisciplinaria cuya Misión es proveer
soluciones integrales, eficientes y operativas en todas las áreas vinculadas a:
Estrategias Multiculturales y Transculturales, Organizacionales y Competitivas,
Management Estratégico,
Gestión del Cambio,
Marketing Estratégico,
Gestión Educativa,
de Latino América (LatAm), para los Sectores:
a) Salud, Farma y Biotech,
b) Industria y Servicios,
c) Universidades y Centros de Capacitación,
d) Gobierno y ONGs.
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