Why Effective Change Management Is Critical
for Growth: Evolve or Expire
for Growth:
by Dale McIntyre

For a company to prosper, it
must be willing to continually evolve. The more a company embraces change, the
better its chances of success. Most business leaders understand this, but when
the time comes for real change to be made, many fail to consider the effects of
these adjustments on the company as a whole.
Change management comes in a countless variety
of forms, and there is no single recipe for its success, but effective
communication is almost always key. It also helps if employees have the tools
to continually manage change. For this reason, many companies incorporate
change management training as a mandatory part of employee development.
Even with a trained workforce, the path forward
isn’t always simple. A recent survey by Robert Half Management Resources found
that 46% of top-level executives encountered serious obstacles in the execution
phase of their change management efforts.
Here are 3 key steps business leaders can take
to help ensure successful change management outcomes.
1. Define key roles.
Establish leadership roles at the outset, and
make sure people are on board with the change and their roles in it. Determine
the change sponsors, the change agents, and the change targets.
The executive sponsor should explain the
business reasons for the change, while the agents help to implement it. It’s up
to the sponsors and the agents to ensure that the targets—the people affected
by the change—are informed, on board, and able to adapt.
2. Recognize common voids and uncertainties.
Employees are bound to experience some
uncertainty with any major change. It’s important for sponsors and agents to
manage the initial exposure to the change. To successfully direct employee
perceptions and expectations at the outset, executive leaders should determine
and recognize the stressors that employees are most likely to experience.
In the early 1980s, British Airways underwent a
massive restructuring with the potential to destabilize the company and
alienate employees. Fortunately for the airline, the chairman sponsoring this
change maintained transparency throughout the process. From the start, he
openly addressed employee uncertainties and concerns. The reward for his
honesty and communication was a more informed, organized, and united company.
3. Pinpoint and celebrate successes.
Change isn’t easy for anyone, but recognizing
specific achievements along the way stimulates a positive perception of the
For example, successful print management is not
just about deploying technology; it’s also about changing employee printing
habits. Business leaders find it quite rewarding when employees can equate
minor workflow changes with significant financial and sustainability results.
Commitment to change grows fast when you keep people informed and aligned with
Every organization realizes change is necessary
to grow and compete in a dynamic global marketplace. Still, change is difficult;
the tools of change management help CEOs and other business leaders to mitigate
the risks of change and increase the likelihood of success.
Source: Chief Executive
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