4 Lessons for New CEOs on Choosing a
Leadership Team
by Dale Buss

of the most important things a new business leader does is assemble his or
her leadership team. But new CEOs and chairmen typically will only go as
far as their hand-picked team will take them. How does one decide whom to
many CEOs and chairmen, Tim Ryan has been working on building his leadership
team. The PwC Vice Chairman and US Markets, Strategy and Stakeholders Leader
has been named U.S. chairman for the company. These 4 principles, which he
relied on to put together his new leadership team, would also provide good
guidelines for new CEOs.
Enshrining diversity. As he talked with partners, staff and clients for this exercise, Ryan
kept hearing that “people wanted this team to lead not just from the top, but
to lead with them to serve our clients, our people, and our
communities.” So he emphasized including “a diversity of minds” on his new team
who would talk “with people rather than … at them. With an inclusive approach,
the sum is far larger than it parts.
he meant various kinds of diversity. Thus of the 20 members that Ryan
handpicked for PwC’s new leadership team, 35% are women, 40% are minority
members, 25% “bring an international perspective” or were born outside the
United States, and one is an LGBT representative. Plus, three of the 20
“didn’t grow up at PwC” and so “bring a very different perspective on the
world,” and two of them are young enough to “have more than 20 years to go
until they hit retirement age.”
Focusing on skill sets. One way for a new CEO to put together a team is to “put names in roles,”
Ryan said. But his approach is to “figure out what are the skill sets that are
necessary to achieve our mission and our objectives. These skill sets are what
should drive selection of a leadership team.” For instance, Ryan said, “If
your objective is to transform the organization from a technology perspective,
which many companies are doing, this may lead you away from a number of people
who don’t have digital skill sets as a leader.”
fact, Ryan said, one large-bank client recently took such an approach in
changing its mind about a top executive who’d been the internal heir apparent
for the CEO job for about a year. “Given where the industry is going and how
fast the business model is changing,” Ryan explained, “they came to the
realization that he may not be the best person. They stopped thinking about the
individual and started thinking about skill sets.”
Owning your decisions. Ryan said that a new chief must, in the end, make his or her own
decisions—and “own” those decisions—about who is on the new leadership
team. “It’s important to get input from a number of stakeholders,
including your board and your people and partners, and outside stakeholders,”
Ryan said. “But at the end of the day, you’ve got to make the choices. Leading
an organization is challenging, and you want a team around you who can help you
accomplish what you want. You have to make the calls so that you’re
Valuing listening. It’s even more important in the top job than elsewhere on the ladder,
and Ryan believes that “listening versus talking over people will help a leader
become more successful.” Successful chiefs, he said, understand that “if
they’re listening, about 80% of the answer is there, and his job is to assemble
those data points and get the remaining 20% so you can go forward. And your
people and clients are closest to where the action is” to enlighten that way
forward. But listening well “is a skill that most people don’t develop
overnight. If you value that skill, you do it through observation and history.”
Source: Chief Executive
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