Nation Branding:
Perception Can Be Reality - So Manage It

What nation
might he be referring to? Brazil? Spain? Some exotic island?
He actually
means Israel, although you might not have guessed correctly without personal
experience of the country. Most people’s impression of Israel, says Reibstein,
is formed by what they see in the news media. And he notes that according to a
recent study, 96% of all coverage about Israel is about war and terrorism.
“People routinely see bomb sites and murders. It’s not a beautiful and sexy
image that’s portrayed around the world.”
He also notes
that Israel is not generally thought of as an innovative nation, despite the
fact that its technology industry is “probably second only to Silicon Valley.”
In order to avoid political controversies, products designed or manufactured in
Israel are often not branded as such. Consequently, people outside of Israel
are largely unaware of the country’s technological prowess, and they may be
stumped when asked to name a single Israeli product.
Notes Reibstein:
“Israel has a much different reality than what the common perception is. This
gap hurts their economy significantly.”
perceptions about Israel along with 59 other countries are reflected in the
“Best Countries” report published earlier this year by Reibstein and Wharton in
collaboration with U. S. News & World Report and BAV
Consulting. For the report, Reibstein and colleagues surveyed 16,500 global
citizens about 65 different national attributes. The attributes were then
grouped into nine sub-rankings: Adventure, Citizenship, Cultural Influence,
Entrepreneurship, Heritage, Movers, Open for Business, Power, and Quality of
Widely held
ideas about a country’s scenic beauty, “sexiness” or safety — justified or not
— impact its tourism industry, points out Reibstein. Moreover, the impressions
people have of a nation’s innovativeness, receptiveness to entrepreneurship,
financial infrastructure and related matters affect its success in attracting
foreign trade and foreign direct investment. This relationship between
impressions and financial success is why, according to Reibstein, countries may
want to consider mounting nation-branding campaigns.
“If you’re not making a concerted effort to brand your nation, other
people might do it for you - and for their own purposes”
The cost nations can incur when they don’t promote their brand was spotlighted by the flap over the 2006 international hit comedy Borat. The film starred Sacha Baron Cohen as Borat, a bumbling, clueless, racist journalist from Kazakhstan. “[The movie] painted the country as being filled with people like Borat,” says Philadelphia-based consultant Tom Lincoln, director of the Wharton Nation Brand Conference scheduled for October in Philadelphia. “For a while the Kazakhstanis had to struggle against this portrayal.”
government denounced the film and poured millions into a promotional campaign
to try to counteract its effects. Although over the next several years tourism
to Kazakhstan actually increased because of the film’s notoriety, it was a
far-from-ideal way for a country to arrive on the map. The Best Countries
report notes that one of the ongoing challenges faced by Kazakhstan is
“creating a national identity.”
commented, “If you’re not making a concerted effort to brand your nation, other
people might do it for you and for their own purposes.”
Success Stories
Reibstein notes
that nation-branding campaigns can be focused on either attracting overseas
investment and trade, or attracting tourists, and different strategies may be
used depending on the focus of the campaign.
India’s “Make in
India” campaign provides a useful example of a nation branding strategy that
focuses on attracting foreign businesses. Launched by Prime Minister Modi in
late 2014, the initiative promotes India as a manufacturing hub, with the idea
of competing with manufacturing giant China as well as emerging centers such as
Malaysia, Vietnam and Bangladesh. The move represents a continuing trend away
from India’s protectionist past.
observes that the campaign’s name is “very conscious on their part…. It’s not
‘Made in India,’ which is what they would use to appeal to consumers. It’s
‘Make in India.’ This is an appeal to businesses to move their manufacturing
operations and sourcing to India.”
The Wall Street
Journal evaluated the program favorably one year after
launch, citing a surge in foreign direct investment, increases in India’s
industrial production numbers, and investment announcements by Foxconn, GM, and
Uber. Moreover, a “Make in India Week” last February generated $222 billion in
investment pledges, according to Forbes. The article commented that
the campaign appeared to be “catching fire.”
"Dubai did a masterful job of creating a brand of nowhere"
(David Rebstein)
In Reibstein’s
view, another standout country for nation-branding when it comes to foreign
investment and trade is South Korea. “South Korea did not have a good brand
[originally],” he notes. “It had an image of low-quality, low-priced products.”
But the country changed its image (and its reality) over the past few decades,
he says, by “riding primarily on the shoulders of Samsung” and associating this
wildly successful brand with the nation where Samsung is headquartered.
“There was no
question that Samsung was South Korean. They didn’t try to hide it; it was
widely known and widely publicized,” he notes. “And just as Samsung has served
people with high-quality products, so has South Korea. You could say the same
thing about LG and Hyundai.”
South Korea’s
nation-branding success is reflected in the Best Countries report. In the Power
sub-ranking — a metric that includes perceptions of being economically
influential — it ranks number 10 of 60 countries. For Entrepreneurship it ranks
highly too, at number 12. One can also see evidence of its branding strategy
having been business-oriented rather than tourism-oriented: in the Adventure
category it falls near the bottom, at number 50.
Reibstein has
been keeping an eye on South Korea’s latest branding strategies. Take, for
example, Hyundai’s 2015 launch of a high-end luxury car. He points out that
Hyundai and South Korea have long been associated with affordable automobiles,
not high-end luxury cars. So how would the car be marketed? “They kept the
Korean name … and they introduced it as the Hyundai Genesis.”
publications rated the car’s quality favorably: equal or superior to a Lexus.
But, notes Reibstein, the company “ended up having to price it significantly
below a Lexus” because it carried the Hyundai name. Nevertheless, he asserts,
having a well-made luxury car to its name will enhance not only Hyundai’s brand
but also South Korea’s.
“As people buy
that car and say ‘Whoa, this is really a high-quality car,’ that has a
spillover effect…. As you produce really good products and they are associated
with a particular country, that success strengthens the nation’s brand.”
A “Glamorous
nation-branding success story, this one about tourism, involves the United Arab
Emirates () and its two most populous emirates Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Reibstein
observes that the UAE, which is not even 50 years old (and in the case of
Dubai, has little oil wealth) has managed to turn itself into a tourism
“If you want to
go on a wild and fun vacation, go to Dubai,” says Reibstein. This year the city
was ranked number 12 on Euromonitor’s “Top 100 City Destinations,” and is
characterized by the popular travel site Lonely Planet as “a glamorous
playground.” Meanwhile, Abu Dhabi is developing itself as a center of culture.
It has signed deals to open branches of both the Guggenheim and the Louvre.
“Victory is not on the military battlefield … it’s on the information
(Richard Stengel)
Reibstein says
that in order to promote Dubai, the UAE invested in communications, hosted tour
groups and celebrities, and generally aimed to make Dubai a city that attracted
buzz. They created a world-class airport, a high-end airline (Emirates, ranked this
year as the world’s top airline) and the world’s first-ever seven-star hotel. A
very photogenic resort features artificial islands created to look like a world
map. One island was purchased several years ago by Brad Pitt and Angelina
Reibstein recounts
publicity stunts such as bringing in Andre Agassi and Roger Federer to play
tennis at the Burj Al Arab hotel in 2005 on a helipad suspended 1,000 feet
above the Persian Gulf. And one of Dubai’s newest temptations for upscale
travelers is a chain of luxury floating villas called “seahorses” that feature
glassed-in underwater bedrooms.
“Dubai did a
masterful job of creating a brand out of nowhere,” comments Reibstein. “If we
looked 15 or 20 years ago, we probably could not have found Dubai on a map”.
Enter the
Although many
assume nation-branding is a contemporary phenomenon, the concept is far from
new, points out Lincoln. One only need think of ancient Rome touting the glory
of its emperors by imprinting their images on coins, or post-Revolution France
designing a new flag, anthem, and other symbols to represent the new Republic
to the world. And in 1953, the now-defunct United States Information Agency was
created to engage in positive public diplomacy during the Cold War.
Yet some of the
tools are new. Social media, for example, is being used by Russia to attack
perceived enemies and spread pro-Russia messages widely on the Internet,
according to Lincoln. “What it’s doing in a way is muddying the conversation;
it’s trying to distract from valid criticisms of the Russian government.”
The New York
Times, reporting on “Russia’s troll army” in May, described
how a Finnish journalist has been victimized by “a vicious retaliatory campaign
of harassment and insults” for trying to investigate the phenomenon. The
article also noted that Russia’s online presence is so aggressive and
disruptive that both NATO and the EU are becoming increasingly concerned about
the damaging effects and possible security risk.
Lincoln points
out that ISIS also uses the Internet for nation branding and to gain new
recruits -and unfortunately has been tremendously successful. What he finds
interesting (and disturbing) about its strategy is that it tries to present a
positive message about “building a new caliphate in the war-torn regions of
Syria and Iraq,” rather than solely a negative message about destroying its
enemies. ISIS propaganda might show an image of a basket of apples, for
example, with words about how the caliphate will create a wonderful new society
where there will be plenty for all members.
Lincoln paraphrases
Richard Stengel, the U.S. Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public
Affairs, who spoke in May at the Schieffer Series at the Center for Strategic
and International Studies: “We — the entire West and our allies — have to do a
good job of telling a better story of whowe are and why people
would want to support us instead of ISIS.” Stengel noted, in a video of the
event available on YouTube, that “Victory is not on the military battlefield….
it’s on the information battlefield”.
Social media in
nation branding can also mean everyday posts by ordinary individuals reflecting
their experiences in different countries. This can go either positively or
negatively for nations, says Reibstein. Travelers may share snapshots of
beautiful landscapes, friendly locals, historic buildings and exotic wildlife;
or conversely, travelers may report that a country seemed dirty or that they
got mugged there. “These casual reports can spread pretty easily.”.
With respect to
successful nation branding, there is a bottom line recommendation: If you are
trying to make your country a great place to invest in and visit, don’t forget
to make the rest of the world aware of your country’s best characteristics.
Countries ignore brand building at their own peril, in Lincoln’s opinion. He
observes, “The way you destroy your own brand is largely by not paying
attention to it…. You’re leaving it to chance and the vagaries of international
Source: Wharton, University of Pennsylvania
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