5 Leadership Lessons for CEOs from LeBron
by Dale Buss

LeBron James is the King of Cleveland and maybe
Greater Ohio, at least for the next year. Bringing home the promised NBA
Championship trophy—to a city that suffered without a major sports championship
for 52 years—will get you such a coronation.
But behind James’ orchestration of the Cleveland
Cavaliers’ dramatic, come-from-behind, 93-89 Game 7 win over the Golden State
Warriors with a Finals MVP performance, some deeper leadership lessons
lurk. Here are 5.
Comebacks can be sweet. For the past several years, one of the most
compelling story lines in professional basketball would be whether its best
player of the era really would be able to keep his promise and bring a
championship to his home-state Cavaliers after he returned to the team in 2014
from the Miami Heat.
And while the Cavaliers were in the finals with the
Warriors last year too, it looked for all the world in 2016 as though maybe
James’ opportunity to fulfill his boast had passed by him, and Cleveland. That
was because a new MVP kid on the block, rainbow-shooting Steph Curry, and the
Warriors, had become the league’s dominant force.
But even many long-time James haters had to give him
credit for the 2016 series comeback and for making good on his promise with the
performance—and leadership exercise—of a lifetime. Some CEOs could agree
that the second time around can be a charm, especially when you come back to
your old company with the purpose of setting things right and a vision for how
to accomplish it.
Think of Bob Iger in his current second stint
running Walt Disney, or Myron Ullman, who took back the helm of J.C. Penney a
few years ago and made it a viable retailer again. And A.G. Lafley came out of
retirement to run Procter & Gamble again, better equipping it for a
more challenging future.
Plan and execute over the long-term. Cavaliers owner and
billionaire Rock Financial CEO Dan Gilbert rhetorically torched James for
abandoning the Cavaliers and going to Miami. But whether it was always in
James’ plans to return to Cleveland or not is academic.
And some argue that he learned what he needed from
helping win championships in Miami in 2012 and 2013, with a strong supporting
cast, to help James help the Cavaliers get over the hump after he
returned. “I knew what I learned [while] I was gone, and I knew if I had
to—when I came back—I knew I had the right ingredients and the right blueprint
to help this franchise get back to a place that we’ve never been.”
Boeing executive Alan Mulally took a similar
long-term approach when he agreed 10 years ago to become CEO of a shaky
Ford that was about to head into the Great Recession. But he focused on
self-financing the company through the bailout era and on addressing long-term
fundamentals that, today, two years after his retirement from the company,
Mulally’s legacy is one of the best in the history of the auto industry.
Choose your best performances for the most important times. The final
game was rightly billed as a showdown between James and Curry, each of whom had
shined at times during the previous six games in the series. But while Curry
faltered and faded a bit under the most intense spotlight of his career, James
famously rose to the occasion. The tighter the game got, the more brilliantly
he came through. The Block and The Freethrow now are etched in NBA
lore. “I came back for a reason,” James said. “I came back to bring a
championship to our city. I knew what I was capable of doing.”
PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi has come through similarly
successfully over the last few years, helming the company’s continued
diversification and helping it negotiate the difficult better-for-you era in
foods and beverages. One way Nooyi has done so is to tether the company’s
future to other brands and products than the flagship Pepsi franchise, which
has proven to be the right decision as sugary drinks became vilified. Yet she
also heeded calls to boost marketing of the Pepsi brand when it was flagging.
Don’t make a promise you can’t keep. James never faltered
in promising to bring a title to the championship-starved team and city. And in
the end, he came through on his vow. That vaulted him from being considered
simply one of the best basketball players of all time to strong consideration
as the best of all time. “There will still be naysayers,
but I know it doesn’t matter to him,” said Cavs teammate Kyrie Irving. “All
that matters is we’re champions, and our whole team is etched in history.”
James Braggadocio in advance of the title is
reminiscent of the bold and far-flung promises of tech entrepreneur Elon Musk,
who among other things has vowed to take over the global electric-vehicle
market and to send humans to Mars within a few years. But there are two
big differences between James and Musk. First, Musk still has a lot to prove
when it comes to his biggest promises. And, second, Musk has been pretty bad at
keeping some important promises so far, such as when he’s going to bring out
new Tesla models.
Don’t assume a burnt bridge can’t be rebuilt. James and Gilbert
went through one of sports’ messiest divorces after the star bolted the Cavs in
free agency for the Heat in 2010. Gilbert responded with an incendiary email
which called James’ move a “cowardly betrayal” and in which he promised the
Cavaliers would win a championship before James anyway. When James wanted to
return in 2013, both men knew that nothing short of a championship would
completely heal such a wide rift.
So after his James-led team won its first
championship, Gilbert iterated exactly that lesson. “Everybody made mistakes
for years, but by making them everybody learned, myself, the franchise,
coaches, players, LeBron, everybody,” the CEO said. “And now, here we are, only because we
Source: Chief Executive
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