a long time, the Silicon Valley funding model has been hailed as a powerful
alternative to the stifling way corporate America works. Many are betting on
the new generation of technology firms to unsettle the old guard. Today the
number of unicorns—startups that valued at $1 billion or greater—is staggering. Fortune counted more than 170 of the mythical creatures, with an average of one unicorn born every week during 2015. Back in 2009, there were just four companies that fit the bill.
this surge, the reality is that disruption doesn’t always happen as quickly as
people assume. More than 40% of the unicorns that went public since 2011 saw
their valuation stay flat or dropped. Some observers have comparedthe situation to the dot-com bubble
of the late ‘90s.
tech giants like Amazon, Google, and Facebook have continued to grow
impressively, especially considering their large size. What is the secret that
allows these incumbents to fend off the startups aiming to displace them?
answer is deceptively simple: embracing self-cannibalization.
Self-cannibalization occurs when a company chooses to proactively replace one
product or process with another that is potentially worth less. Forward-looking
incumbents recognize the need to cannibalize their own products, rather than
leaving it to other startups, who are more than happy to take on the challenge.
this approach isn’t easy – it doesn’t always seem natural to talk about how to
replace profitable businesses. But there are four rules which can help managers
of all walks of an organization instill the principle in their day-to-day work,
in order to make self-cannibalization successful in the long run.
#1: Get into the habit of setting up new business units that compete with the
China’s Tencent. Founded in November 1998, the company has since grown into
China’s largest and most-used Internet service portal, and in the process, has
also become the world’s largest gaming company.
when desktop computers still reigned supreme, Tencent dominated online instant
messaging with its QQ service (similar to ICQ). With the rise of the smartphone
and mobile technology, QQ failed to capture new users. Top management swiftly
established a new team in Guangdong, away from the Shenzhen headquarters, and
tasked a small group of engineers to reimagine a different social media
platform, giving them carte blanche to cannibalize the existing QQ product.
That was the beginning of WeChat.
then, WeChat has been constantly launching new services, from mobile payments
to booking doctor appointments, from police reporting to taxi hailing, from
video conferencing to mobile banking services. WeChat now has more than 690 million active users and is still
growing. In August, WeChat started rolling out an impressive international
series of new games—another move aimed at disrupting Tencent’s
core business.
willingness to cannibalize a company’s existing business before its decline was
also a major focus of Apple under Steve Jobs. In 2005, when the demand for the
iPod Mini remained huge, the Nano was launched, effectively destroying the
revenue stream of an existing product. And while iPod sales were still going
through the roof, Jobs launched the iPhone which combined iPod, cell phone, and
Internet access into a single device. Three years after the iPhone’s launch,
the iPad made its debut despite the risk that it might one day cut into Mac
desktop computer sales. So resolute was Apple’s determination in trading a
highly profitable business for an unknown future that Jobs reportedly said, “If
you don’t cannibalize yourself, someone else will.”
#2: Find a balance between derivative products, platform upgrades, and
breakthrough innovation
occurs at different levels. It can mean both replacing existing products and
platforms with incrementally better ones and replacing them with something
completely different. Most companies find the latter more challenging, but the
best companies pursue both.
Holdings from Japan is a publishing and classified advertisement company,
founded in 1963. Its classified advertising has evolved into numerous
publications in which merchants, ranging from gourmet restaurants, beauty
salons, and wedding banquet venues advertise, and Recruit editorial teams
provide magazine content. (Similar to Cosmo, Glamour, and GQ.) Since
the early 2000s, many of the company’s publications have gone digital.
of merely digitizing magazine content, managers built a number of web-based
platforms. Operating managers were empowered to develop unique business models
and launch derivative products by themselves to best serve
each unique segment; and in the process, disrupted and competed with one
the corporate level, however, it became all too apparent that without a
commonly shared platform upgrade, the collection of individual businesses would
have limited potential. Senior management at Recruit began to push for a
unified backbone platform, a platform upgrade that would
better serve customers’ needs. Doing so did require getting rid of many
overlapping offerings, cut-short a few cash-cow businesses, but the end result
was a more cohesive overall product portfolio.
launching derivative products and upgrading platforms are both important,
Recruit didn’t let them serve as substitutes for more ambitious innovation.
Lately, the company realized the importance of machine learning and artificial
intelligence (AI), and proceeded to set up a mini AI lab, dedicated to breakthrough
innovation. In 2015, Alon Halevy, a former Google research scientist,
joined the company to help guide this effort. Top management saw AI as having
the potential of redefining Recruit’s corporate mission—the ultimate expression
of self-cannibalization.
#3: Create a bypass mechanism to pitch ideas to the top
challenge for companies looking to self-cannibalize is the fact that
game-changing ideas can easily be filtered out as business proposals move up
the corporate ladder. To counter-balance this tendency, Recruit hosts several
idea pitch days when operating managers can showcase unconventional proposals
to senior executives directly, bypassing the management hierarchy entirely.
persistent manager at Recruit had repeatedly lobbied for an online education
business, which his supervisors couldn’t reconcile with the existing business
model. But when shown to the board members at one pitch night, the business
case was so compelling that it resulted in seed money and the establishment of
an independent unit. The new unit has since focused on online “cram school”
delivery, providing less affluent students a way to compete for university
#4: Create a corporate goal with a percent of revenue earmarked to new products
Edward Deming, the father of quality movement in
the 1950s, believed that what can’t be measured doesn’t get managed. The same
holds true for growth. 3M is famous for employing the thirty percent rule, with 30% of each division’s
revenue coming from products introduced in the last four years. At companies
like Tencent and Recruit, similar metrics are tracked rigorously and employee
bonuses are based on the successful achievement of this goal.
such a metric makes it easier to follow Rule 1, since a culture that encourages
new products will be more likely to consider cannibalizing its own successes.
But even with such a metric, the balance between derivative products and
breakthrough innovation remains important.
fundamental advantage of large companies is in their ability to integrate and
reconfigure offerings and services based on their prior capabilities. Startups
may move fast, but they lack experience. Big companies, by contrast, possess a
wealth of knowledge and know-how. What they lack is the bandwidth to
commercialize the next growth engine when time is still on their side. But the
two don’t need to be exclusive. By embracing self-cannibalization as a
principle and following these few simple rules, an incumbent can fend off the
unicorns at its gates.
Source: Harvard Business Review
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- Curso Taller de PLANEAMIENTO ESTRATÉGICO - Recetas Eficientes para Escenarios Turbulentos 2017:
- http://medinacasabella.blogspot.com.ar/2016/04/planeamiento-estrategico-curso-taller.html
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- http://medinacasabella.blogspot.com.ar/2016/04/management-estrategico-curso-taller-in.html
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- http://medinacasabella.blogspot.com.ar/2016/04/gestion-del-cambio-2016-2017-curso.html
- Curso Taller de LIDERAZGO TRANSFORMACIONAL para la Toma de Decisiones 2017:
- http://medinacasabella.blogspot.com.ar/2016/04/liderazgo-transformacional-2016-2017.html
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