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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Not familiar with the Scandinavian Model of Leadership? 
Then you are truly missing out...
by Tatiana Compton

The importance of delegating is often undervalued as a requisite of a great leader, don’t make this mistake.

Devolving responsibility and accountability stimulates collaboration, innovation and creativity. And that is part of what the Scandinavian Model of Leadership is all about (but we’ll get to that in just a moment).

Leadership qualities such as courage, resilience and confidence are much admired as tools for steering a company in the right direction. Less often praised is the importance of delegation, it is a quieter quality. Delegation is a powerful tool and handled wisely it will lead a straighter path to success. A leader who maintains total control and authority is not a true leader- by definition a leader guides or inspires others, providing the knowledge and methods for people to take action. Attention to detail has its place – but overdo it and you will impede progress.

Delegating isn’t always easy. In the short term delegating a task might seem like an unworthy effort, but in the long term delegating will give you more time, motivate those around you (boosting productivity) and consequently make you a more effective leader. “If you really want to grow as an entrepreneur, you’ve got to learn to delegate” (Richard Branson).

Here are 3 reasons why a great leader delegates:
  • It frees up valuable time
In an age where time is in short supply, it is as important as ever to be able to delegate, it will give you the time you need to focus on the truly important aspects of your project or business. Prevent burn out.
  • It will empower and motivate those around you
Trust those around you and in return they will trust and follow you. Employees who feel valued are involved and engaged in their work and will contribute more. The managerial mentality ‘if you want something done, you must do it yourself’ will provide employees with little responsibility and consequently reduce job motivation.
  • It will develop your team
Providing challenging assignments for your team will develop their skill sets and enable them to move on to the next level. Delegating can be used as a source of creativity as it gives space for new approaches from different mindsets, providing the opportunity for employees to become more engaged as they are given the chance to learn. Don’t micro-manage!

What We Can Learn From the Scandinavian Model of Leadership

The Scandinavian model of leadership prides itself on a high degree of devolved responsibility and accountability which in turn creates an empowering and enabling environment. This ‘flat’ management model from Scandinavia means their leaders focus on building management out, not up. It is no surprise then that the Global Competitiveness Report from the World Economic Forum names Sweden, Denmark and Finland as the three highest ranking countries on ‘willingness to delegate responsibility’.

In the post-industrial knowledge economy delegating is particularly important because success relies on collaboration across the company. Jan Carlzon, ex-CEO of Scandinavian Airlines and famous proponent of the ‘Scandinavian Model of leadership’, explains his success at the company as a product of his efforts to change the approach to a flatter decentralized organization. If you really want to be business-oriented and customer- driven you must be brave enough to give responsibility to every individual person out there in the front line, as Jan Carlzon explains in his book Moments of Truth: New Strategies for Today’s Customer- Driven Economy (1987).

Essentially you should be a strategic leader – give away information and create an environment where people are prepared to take risks and responsibility. Jan Carlzon explains how a strategic leader will say, “This is my vision and this is my strategy; this is the avenue that we all have to walk down. On that avenue, you have all the freedom to take your own solutions, but we all go the same way. And, if there is somebody in this organization who does not accept and who does not want to go the same way, then you have to leave.”

A great leader supports and develops their team by building their confidence and abilities through supportive delegation. Most successful leaders understand their staff and motivate them through trust and personal development – delegating is an effective tool for achieving this. When used correctly delegation can be of major benefit to a company and is a tool that should be utilized and acted upon in order for leaders to gain the best results from their businesses and employees.

Fuente: Ivyexec

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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Economía de LatAm: Argentina, Brasil, Chile y Panamá
por Miguel Ángel Medina Casabella

Aumentan reservas del Banco Central Argentino; contrata a Moody's para calificar deuda

Las reservas internacionales del Banco Central de Argentina subieron l pasado viernes a 35.845 millones de dólares, 6.662 millones más que el día anterior, producto de los recursos que ingresaron al país tras la colocación de deuda para el pago a fondos especulativos y holdouts. Asimismo se informó que el gobierno argentino contrató a Moody's como calificadora de la deuda del país, por “su importante trayectoria y experiencia en el mercado nacional e internacional”, y para la emisión y colocación de nuevos títulos públicos.

Cabe recordar que Moody's mejoró a la capacidad crediticia de la Argentina de Caa1 a B3, al destacar la expectativa de que Argentina resuelva su contienda con los fondos

Argentina estima que las lluvias ya le costaron 3.3 millones de toneladas de soja

El Ministerio de Agroindustria de Argentina estimó que las pérdidas en la producción de soja serían de 3,3 millones de toneladas, por lo que la campaña actual se ubicaría en 57,6 millones de toneladas, mientras que la Bolsa de Cereales de Buenos Aires proyectó un descenso de cuatro millones de toneladas, debido a las constantes lluvias que cayeron durante más de dos semanas sobre grandes superficies de las zonas productoras.

Estas consideraciones concordaron con las proyecciones de recortes de la Sociedad Rural Argentina (SRA) que llegarían a los cuatro millones de toneladas, lo que significaría entre “1.200 y 1.300 millones de dólares que dejarían de entrar a la economía del país”, manifestó su presidente, Luis Miguel Etchevehere.

Economía de Brasil en caída libre: contracción este ejercicio sería un nuevo récord

Los expertos pronostican que la economía brasileña caerá este año un 3,88%, una contracción más grave que la sufrida en 2015, en el que cayó un 3,8% y obtuvo su peor resultado en el último cuarto de siglo, informó el Banco Central. Las previsiones de los economistas son peores que las anunciadas la semana pasada, cuando auguraron que el Producto Interior Bruto (PIB) brasileño acabaría este año con el mismo rumbo que lo hizo en 2015.

Por otro lado, los economistas reducen sus previsiones de inflación en 2016, que calculan en torno al 6,98%, inferior al 7,08% del anterior informe. Sin embargo, esta cifra continúa por encima de la meta oficial establecida por el Gobierno, que se encuentra en el 4,5% del PIB con un margen de tolerancia de dos puntos porcentuales. Para 2017, se espera que la inflación llegue al 5,80%.
A la incertidumbre y paralización de las inversiones se suma un déficit presupuestal que se estima ya alcanza el 11% del PBI.

Brasil aumenta pérdida de empleos formales en medio de crisis política

Brasil perdió 118.776 empleos formales el pasado marzo, registrando así su peor resultado para ese mes en los últimos 25 años, desde que comenzó la actual serie de medición, informó el Ministerio de Trabajo. El balance producto de 1.374.485 contrataciones frente a 1.493.261 despidos, lo que situó en 39.373.900 la cantidad acumulada de empleos formales registrados.
En cuanto a sectores, la administración pública fue el segmento con mejor desempeño y el único que consiguió cerrar en verde al crear 4.335 puestos de trabajo, frente al comercio, que anotó una pérdida de 41.978 empleos.
Esta semana el Instituto Brasileño de Geografía y Estadísticas (IBGE) divulgó también los datos del desempleo en el país, que aumentó un 40,1% en el último año hasta alcanzar la cifra récord de 10,4 millones en el trimestre concluido en febrero.

India y Chile amplían acuerdo comercial y suman 474 productos más

La Dirección General de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales (Direcon) confirmó que autoridades del gobierno de India, aprobaron la ampliación del Acuerdo de Alcance Parcial con Chile, e implicará la ampliación de 474 productos contemplados en el acuerdo original ya suscrito entre ambos países y vigente desde el año 2007, a cerca de 2.800.
Entre los bienes chilenos que se suman y que serán beneficiados, destacan entre otros, los productos agrícolas: cerezas frescas, cebollas, paltas, uvas, kiwis, mandarinas, duraznos en conserva, pasta de tomates, cerezas en conserva, cóctel de frutas, jugos de uvas y manzanas.
Por otra parte, a diferencia del acuerdo original, el proceso de profundización contempla márgenes de preferencia arancelaria en promedio entre un 80% y 100%.
Durante 2015 el intercambio comercial de Chile con India sumó alrededor de US$2.723 millones. Las exportaciones chilenas a ese mercado totalizaron US$2.003 millones, mientras que las importaciones alcanzaron los US$720 millones.

Ampliación del canal de Panamá se inaugura 26 de junio; 70 jefes de estado invitados

La ampliación del Canal de Panamá se inaugurará el próximo 26 de junio con el tránsito del primer buque comercial con carga y una ceremonia protocolaria a la que están invitados 70 jefes de Estado, entre ellos los gobernantes de los 35 países de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA), el estadounidense, Barack Obama y el chino Xi Jinping.

También se invitará al rey Felipe VI de España y al ex presidente Jimmy Carter, quien en 1977 firmó junto con el entonces gobernante panameño Omar Torrijos los tratados que permitieron el traspaso a Panamá de la soberanía de la vía interoceánica.
Estados Unidos construyó entre 1904 y 1914 el Canal de Panamá, y lo administró hasta que lo revirtió a manos panameñas el 31 de diciembre de 1999.
La ampliación consiste en un tercer carril por donde pasarán barcos Neopanamx, con capacidad de hasta 13.000 contenedores, casi el triple de lo actual, y tiene un coste global inicial de 5.250 millones de dólares.

Fuentes: MercoPress

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Monday, April 25, 2016

Investors applaud Political Changes in Brazil & Argentina: Which Leaders are next?
by Ken Brown

Changes in governments matter more today because there are few attractive investment options.

In a world of richly valued markets and paltry yields, one way to make money is to bet on political drama.

The market cheered the impeachment and likely departure of Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff even before Sunday’s vote. The next day, investors were shoving each other aside to grab a piece of Argentina’s first bond offering since its new government took power.

Despite deep economic troubles in both countries, investors are betting optimism over new leaders and changing policies will drive up stock and bond markets.

“Investors are looking for that rare story that has a catalyst on it,” said Samy B. Muaddi, an emerging-markets-debt portfolio manager at T. Rowe Price.

This bet has long been an obvious if not always profitable trade in emerging markets. The last wave of change was in 2014, when Narendra Modi took power in India and Joko Widodo became president of Indonesia. Shares rose roughly 20% in India and Indonesia in the months leading to the election and held up later that year even as other emerging markets tumbled.

Changes in governments matter more today for two reasons: There are few attractive investment options, and many markets are moving in sync, driven by factors like commodity prices and U.S. interest rates.

A rally this year has pushed up emerging markets 7.3% through Tuesday, compared with a 2.8% rise in the S&P 500. That has forced investors to take on more risk to stay in the game, which means looking for turnaround stories, even if the turnarounds are largely uncertain.

The fun part is picking the next to fall. Topping the list are South Africa’s Jacob Zuma and Malaysia’s Najib Razak. Both leaders face corruption allegations and are under pressure to resign, though both are political survivors with strong party backing.

What excites investors is that both countries have young populations that are brimming with potential. What worries them is that both countries depend on China buying their commodities and both face policy paralysis caused by unpopular leaders and entrenched party establishments.

As with all emerging markets, both countries are unloved by investors and cheap on many measures. There are plenty of ways to make a buck in both places—appreciating currencies, better corporate earnings and improved investor sentiment.

The risk with betting on change in emerging markets is that problems are so deep and the global economic situation so weak that the optimism can dissipate quickly. And there is the possibility that the bad government can still get worse.

In South Africa, Mr. Zuma backed off a plan to replace a respected finance minister after markets sold off. In Malaysia, Mr. Najib appointed a political ally who served on the advisory board of a scandal-plagued government investment fund to replace the country’s widely respected central-bank head who is retiring.

Then there is undoing the mess left behind by the previous government. For many emerging markets, that means somehow paying off big piles of debt that were typically squandered on bad policies or used for political favors. Brazil’s debt tripled to $1 trillion in the last nine years and all three major credit-rating firms reduced the country’s rating to junk. The economy shrank 3.8% last year and will likely shrink again this year, making the debt even more burdensome.

But investors think back to 1992 and the last impeachment in Brazil, when then President Fernando Collor was charged with corruption. His resignation eventually ushered in the presidency of Fernando Enrique Cardoso, who oversaw the country’s economic revival.

As heartless as they can be, investors appear to be very forgiving these days. Witness Argentina, which has been at war with hedge funds for 15 years and whose central bank said earlier this year it would start printing higher-denomination bank notes to deal with inflation that is estimated at around 40%.

The buying frenzy for Argentina’s offering—$70 billion in orders for $16.5 billion in bonds—should be incentive enough for every country with a lousy government to make a change. It is staggering that investors would lend money for 30 years to a country that just emerged from a default in return for a yield of just 8%. Buyers apparently bid up the bond prices further after the deal.

But with emerging-market currencies up about 10% from their lows and bond yields down to 4.6%, there aren’t many options to get a juicy return.

There’s the frenzy and then the hangover. Two years after Messrs. Widodo and Modi took over Indonesia and India, respectively, investors have started to lose patience with the pace of change, even though both countries are doing reasonably well.

The game of who is next to fall is tough. Messrs. Najib and Zuma could hold on until the end of their terms in 2018 and 2019, respectively. The next big fish on the investor wish list: Vladimir Putin. One can always dream.


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Monday, April 18, 2016

Europa anuncia misión empresarial a Argentina, 
“un socio excelente en la región”

La Unión Europea (UE) anunció este jueves que enviará una misión empresarial a la Argentina en el segundo semestre para potenciar los negocios entre las dos partes. El anuncio se realizó tras reunirse con la canciller argentina Susana Malcorra.

“Hemos decidido hoy que tendremos una misión de promoción de empresas de la UE en Argentina en la segunda mitad de este año”, anunció la alta representante de la UE para la Política Exterior, Federica Mogherini.

Mogherini subrayó la buena salud de las relaciones entre la UE y Argentina al tratarse ésta de la tercera reunión bilateral que mantiene con Malcorra en un mes, tras su visita a Buenos Aires y su encuentro hace dos semanas en la cumbre de Seguridad Nuclear en Washington.

La política italiana destacó que la comisaria europea de Industria, Elzbieta Bienkowska, liderará los trabajos de esa misión empresarial, y aludió también al “potencial” de la cooperación sobre eficiencia energética entre las dos partes.

Además, celebró el próximo intercambio de ofertas comerciales en la segunda semana de mayo dentro de la negociación de un acuerdo de asociación entre la UE y cuatro países del Mercosur (la Argentina, Brasil, Uruguay y Paraguay), con el que “estamos personalmente comprometidos a hacer lo que podamos”, y celebró que la Argentina haya puesto fin a diferentes restricciones comerciales.

“Ya estamos ayudando a desarrollar nuevas inversiones en el país con una reanudación posible de las actividades de préstamo del Banco Europeo de Inversiones”, apuntó.

Malcorra por su parte dijo que Macri llegó al poder “con la visión de abrir Argentina al mundo” y con la convicción de que “la integración de Argentina en el mundo no es una amenaza sino una oportunidad”.

Por ello, decidió “eliminar todas las barreras arancelarias y para-arancelarias no sólo a la UE sino también a nuestros vecinos más cercanos”.

“Es la única manera de fomentar que la inversión venga a Argentina” y que cree crecimiento y empleos sostenibles y tener “infraestructuras más fuertes” que la puedan hacer “más competitiva en el mundo”, dijo.

Malcorra estimó que Argentina necesita inversiones por 100.000 millones de dólares en infraestructura en los próximos cuatro años, algo que “no podemos hacer solos”.

En opinión de Mogherini, “hemos encontrado de nuevo en Argentina un socio excelente en la región, pero también para asuntos globales”. En tanto para Malcorra, “Argentina quiere mostrar su valor y ser el socio que todo el mundo espera”.

Fuentes: MercoPress

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Thursday, April 14, 2016

8 Battle Strategies every Business Startup needs
by Marty Zwilling

Winning customers as an entrepreneur in a startup has many parallels to a young army trying to penetrate some formidable new and unfamiliar territory.

You need a strategy as well as a goal, and you need to pick your battles well. Even in this age of purpose before profits, a business won’t survive by pretending there are no competitors out there to worry about.

I had certainly heard of the 2500-year-old, but still current, masterwork on military strategy by Sun Tzu, “The Art of War,” but never thought very relevant to business startups. But Becky Sheetz-Runkle, in her book a while back for small businesses, “The Art of War for Small Business,” gave me a whole new perspective.

In the context of offering some inspiring examples of small business success, she includes some timeless business lessons that I believe every startup entrepreneur should take to heart and follow in practice. As examples, I offer my interpretation of some of the key lessons here:
  1. Scout the territory first and pick your battles. A smart general going into battle always does the research first on the lay of the land, including critical high points that have the most value, before charging into the fray. Too many startups rush into battle early, assuming any progress will somehow give them the competitive advantage.
  2. Prepare thoroughly and strike fast. Lining up your resources is critical, but so is time to market. Some entrepreneurs get bogged down in planning and never get to the point of action, often called analysis paralysis (i.e. ready-aim-aim-aim-aim-aim…). A good general makes sure his troops are trained and prepared, and are not hesitant to act.
  3. Capitalize on strengths and shore up weak points. A winning military leader always knows the weaknesses of his troops, as well as the strengths. Entrepreneurs likewise must be able to recognize and leverage the competencies of the current team, while providing the backup and direction to minimize weaknesses in selecting target markets.
  4. Attack competitor weaknesses and be alert for opportunities. Every competitor, like every army, has weak points, and every territory has ready opportunities. Entrepreneurs must seek these out, pivot as required, and lead the team into battle. Small wins and some penetration builds momentum and bolsters morale for that major assault.
  5. Limit your focus to key objectives on a single front. No startup or army can manage more than 3 to 5 goals and priorities without becoming unfocused and ineffective. Pick the key challenges and attack them will all your resources, rather than stay spread so thin that every initiative is jeopardized. “Spray and pray” is not a winning strategy in any war.
  6. Capture territory the opposition does not yet own. In war, the smart general looks for territory that is undefended. Success there is assured, but the value of that position may also be low. In business, it’s always smart to look for new opportunities, or markets with few competitors, but beware of “solutions looking for a problem,” and lack of customers.
  7. Negotiate and leverage win-win alliances. Even in ancient times, creative diplomacy was a better solution than fighting to the death. Entrepreneurs need to learn that your toughest competitor may be your best strategic partner, leading to a win-win situation. This approach is called coopetition, and is too often overlooked as a key strategy.
  8. To win you have to take risks, but don’t be reckless. There is no safe position in business, or in war. In both cases, charging into battle with your eyes closed, is simply reckless, and will lead to destruction. Winning in either arena requires the skill and willingness to take smart risks, with trained resources, due diligence, and determination.
In fact, I now believe that all of Sun Tzu’s teachings are still relevant to entrepreneurs, who more than ever face fierce competition for customers, market share, and talent. Their very survival depends on strategy, positioning, planning, and leadership, just like it did for armies a thousand years ago.

With these lessons in hand, entrepreneurs today in startup companies can and do outsmart, outmaneuver, and overwhelm larger adversaries to capture market share, satisfy unmet needs, and emerge victorious in their chosen markets. That’s the challenge and the fun of being an entrepreneur. Believe me, it’s a lot more satisfying than the alternative.

Fuente: Ivyexec

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Estrategias Multiculturales y Transculturales, Organizacionales y Competitivas,
Management Estratégico,
Gestión del Cambio,
Marketing Estratégico,
Gestión Educativa,

de Latino América (LatAm), para los Sectores:

a) Salud, Farma y Biotech,
b) Industria y Servicios,
c) Universidades y Centros de Capacitación,
d) Gobierno y ONGs.