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Friday, July 29, 2016

Las 7 Compañías Líderes en Sustentabilidad Global
por María Ana Ventura

SustainAbility y GlobeScan, la empresa de innovación y la consultora de estudios de opinión internacional, publicaron su encuesta anual sobre Líderes de sustentabilidad 2016.  El estudio, que se realiza desde hace 20 años, releva las opiniones de expertos en sustentabilidad de los ámbitos empresarial, gubernamental, de ONGS y de la academia, de 84 países del mundo. Es la encuesta de su tipo más amplio del mundo y nos muestra cuales son las compañías, organizaciones y gobiernos que están liderando la agenda de la sustentabilidad en el mundo.

Alrededor de 900 expertos en materia de sustentabilidad de diferentes partes del mundo fueron invitados a nombrar la tres compañías que creen son líderes en integrar la sostenibilidad a su estrategia de negocio. Los valores, el propósito y la integración fueron los principales criterios para considerar este liderazgo.

Las líderes del 2016

1. Unilever
Cuatro de diez expertos (43%) consultados mencionó a la multinacional británico-neerlandesa como líder. La compañía sostiene esta posición en el ranking por sexto período consecutivo, logro que ninguna obtuvo en los 19 años que se realiza la encuesta. En su Plan de vida sustentable, Unilever se comprometió a llegar al 2020 con la mitad de su impacto ambiental, mejorando la salud y el bienestar de más de mil millones de personas, y la calidad de vida de los millones que integran su cadena de valor.

2. Patagonia
La marca de equipamiento  para deportes al aire libre con sede en California basa su posicionamiento en la sustentabilidad desde su fundación, en 1972.  En el Black Friday de 2011, llamó la atención sobre el consumo responsable con su aviso en el New York Times titulado “No compres esta chaqueta”.

3. Interface
En 1994 esta manufacturera de alfombras americana decidió cambiar su modelo tradicional de producción a uno sostenible. Desde entonces, redujo la cantidad de residuos eliminados a la tierra en más de un 80% y ya casi el 50% de sus materias primas provienen del reciclado o son productos biológicos.

Fundada por un joven granjero sueco en 1943, como negocio de venta de artículos por correo, es hoy mayor minorista de muebles del mundo.  La compañía probó a sus clientes que no tienen que elegir entre diseño, precio,  función o sostenibilidad.

5. Tesla
Esta automotriz de Silicon Valley revolucionó el mercado en 2014 al abrir sus patentes al público para incentivar la investigación y desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías de vehículos eléctricos y así acelerar el progreso de la movilidad sostenible.

6. Nestlé
La alimenticia más grande del mundo se enfoca en mejorar la sostenibilidad en el  todo el ciclo de vida de sus productos, con grandes innovaciones en materia de uso sostenible de recursos y desarrollo de packaging. 

7. Natura
De origen brasileño, es considerada la líder de sostenibilidad en el ranking en América Latina. Entre las metas a 2020 de la empresa de cosméticos está reducir en un 33% el carbono, lograr un 50% de mujeres en posiciones de liderazgo y desarrollar indicadores para medir el desarrollo humano de las comunidades en las que trabajan.

Fuente: Apertura

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Thursday, July 28, 2016

US  Federal Trade Commission clears 
Teva - Allergan Generics Deal

BREAKING NEWS - July 27, 2016. Settlement Preserves Competition and Marks Largest Drug Divestiture Order in a Pharmaceutical Merger Case

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. has agreed to sell the rights and assets related to 79 pharmaceutical products to settle Federal Trade Commission (FTC) charges that its proposed $40.5 billion acquisition of Allergan plc’s generic pharmaceutical business would be anticompetitive.  The remedy requires Teva to divest the drug portfolio to eleven rival firms, and marks the largest drug divestiture order in an FTC pharmaceutical merger case. 

The FTC order will preserve competition in U.S. pharmaceutical markets where Teva and Allergan compete now or would likely have competed in the future if not for the merger. The divested products include anesthetics, antibiotics, weight loss drugs, oral contraceptives, and treatments for a wide variety of diseases and conditions, including ADHD, allergies, arthritis, cancers, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, mental illnesses, opioid dependence, pain, Parkinson’s disease, and respiratory, skin and sleep disorders.

“Millions of Americans rely daily on generic drugs to treat a wide range of illnesses,” said Debbie Feinstein, Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Competition. “The FTC’s settlement safeguards the competitive availability of these medications for patients across the country who depend on them.”

As explained in its Statement, the Commission also evaluated whether this transaction would have anticompetitive effects beyond those occurring in individual product markets, but concluded that the evidence showed it was unlikely to do so. Specifically, the Commission considered whether the transaction would lower incentives to develop or bring new generic drugs to market, as well as whether the combined company’s ability to bundle products could have an anticompetitive effect.

The acquirers of the divested products are Mayne Pharma Group Ltd., Impax Laboratories, Inc., Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd., Sagent Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Cipla Limited, Zydus Worldwide DMCC, Mikah Pharma LLC, Perrigo Pharma International D.A.C., Aurobindo Pharma USA, Inc., Prasco LLC and 3M Company.

Teva and Allergan must divest the drug products no later than 10 days after the acquisition is complete, and to help ensure that the order achieves its remedial goals, they are required to provide technical assistance and other transitional services to ensure that the acquirers can independently manufacture and sell the divested products. The FTC order includes an asset maintenance order and enables the Commission to appoint two interim monitors.

In addition to the product divestitures, to address the anticompetitive effects likely to arise in markets for 15 pharmaceutical products where Teva supplies active pharmaceutical ingredients to current or future Allergan competitors, the FTC order additionally requires Teva to offer these existing API customers the option of entering into long-term API supply contracts. This option ensures that these customers have access to essential API inputs and provides them sufficient time to qualify alternative suppliers if they choose to do so.

Further details about the complaint and the proposed consent order are set forth in the analysis to aid public comment for this matter.

Israel-based Teva, a global manufacturer of generic and branded pharmaceuticals, is the largest generic pharmaceutical producer in the world. Allergan is also a global producer of generic, branded and over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, and the third largest generic in the U.S.

Commission staff and the staff of antitrust agencies in the European Union, Canada, Israel, and Mexico worked cooperatively on this investigation.

The Commission votes to issue the complaint and accept the proposed consent order for public comment, and to approve the Commission Statement were both 3-0. The FTC will publish the consent agreement package in the Federal Register shortly. The agreement will be subject to public comment for 30 days, beginning today and continuing through August 29, 2016, after which the Commission will decide whether to make the proposed consent order final. Comments can be filed electronically or in paper form by following the instructions in the “Supplementary Information” section of the Federal Register notice.

Source: Federal Trade Commission Press Realeases

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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Why These 10 CEOs Are Considered the Best?
by: Katie Kuehner-Hebert

Every year, Glassdoor ranks the most popular CEOs based on employee (and former employee) feedback. This year, technology, consulting and consumer goods chiefs received the highest marks. Here, we took a look at what makes them great in their staff’s eyes.

Nº 1 - Bain & Company’s Bob Bechek

“Bechek has led Bain as its worldwide managing director since 2012 and has helped build the company from a young upstart to a respected heavyweight in management consulting for almost 30 years,” Forbes wrote. “But in an interview with Poets & Quants, a website dedicated to business schools, he stressed the importance of informal authority and leading by example. And judging by Bechek’s approval rating on Glassdoor, his employees—affectionately known as Bainies—seem to like his style of leadership.” Employees touted a work culture that valued professional development, including weekly training events, on-the-job apprenticeships, open door policies and mentorship programs, according to Forbes.

Nº 2 - Ultimate Software’s Scott Scherr

Scherr in 1990 founded Ultimate Software, an HR and payroll software provider based in Weston, Fla., which not only fully pays for employee healthcare plans, but also matches 40% of 401(k) contributions with no cap and gives all employees equity when they’re first hired with the opportunity to earn more based on performance, according to CNNMoney. All of these benefits are “non-negotiable,” which has resulted in a 95% employee retention rate—and a 97% customer retention rate.

Nº 3 - McKinsey & Company’s Dominic Barton

While techies are often seen on these kinds of lists, it’s fairly unusual that two top CEOs have similar backgrounds in management consulting. According to Forbes, McKinsey’s services and specialized expertise has expanded considerably under Barton’s leadership, which has translated into “better than ever before” financial results. Founded 90 years ago, the firm is thriving today, with more than 1,600 partners serving clients in 62 countries, across all regions, sectors and business disciplines. “McKinsey governs itself as a private partnership, with a distinctive and strong culture binding its members,” Forbes wrote. “If you join, you sign up for a tandem mission (impact for clients and developing excellent people), and a democratically elite set of values: integrity, transparency, making people successful, fact-based analysis, and ‘the obligation to dissent’—to get the best answers, and ‘do the right thing for clients and colleagues”.

Nº 4 - Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg

In Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg built not just a business, but a company culture with the fervor of a messianic sect, according to Vanity Fair. “Zuckerberg founded the church of a new religion,” Vanity Fair wrote. “All the early Facebook employees have their story of the moment when they saw the light and realized that Facebook wasn’t some measly social network like MySpace but a dream of a different human experience. With all the fervor of recent converts, newly recruited followers attracted other committed, smart, and daring engineers and designers, themselves seduced by the echoes of the Zuckian vision in others”.

Nº 5 - LinkedIn’s Jeff Weiner

Some of the company’s bets under the direction of Weiner are starting to pay off, including last year’s relaunch of the social media platform’s mobile app, according to CNBC. Its internal search engine is four times faster than before, allowing users to generate results for phrases before they finish typing, CNBC wrote in December. The interface, which aims to make interaction more organic, has been upgraded with tailored content and promises easier communication for users. The professional network also swapped its old email feature for a text-messaging system. The developers designed the other sections: my network, home, and me, in a way that facilitates internal navigation, networking, and are in-turn more user-friendly.

Nº 6 - Salesforce’s Marc Benioff

Benioff has been fighting a number of states’ “bathroom laws” that target LGBT individuals, simply “the right thing to do,” he told CBS News, especially given the transformation taking place in the business world from being shareholder-based to being “all about the stakeholders.” Benioff has also targeted issues in his own company. When two female workers confronted him about unequal pay, he made a $3 million adjustment in salaries to address the problem. On the business side, Salesforce also has some new deals. The company partnered with Amazon, selecting Amazon Web Services as its preferred public cloud infrastructure provider. Salesforce also announced it would buy software technology company Demandware for $2.8 billion.

Nº 7 - Google’s Sundar Pichai

“Pichai’s vision for Google stems from a core belief: That we are increasingly moving toward a world that runs on artificial intelligence, meaning no matter what screen we are interfacing with — a smartphone, tablet, dashboard, watch, virtual reality device, or refrigerator—and no matter where we are, we will be aided along the way by the invisible hands of super-smart machines,” USA Today wrote. “In this world, Pichai wants Google to be a super-smart assistant helping people throughout the day, supplying all the information they need to complete tasks”.

Nº 8 - Apple’s Tim Cook

The Motley Fool’s Dylan Lewis and Evan Niu discuss Cook’s “operational brilliance” of using contract manufacturing, instead of owning any of its production facilities: “This is where Tim Cook’s expertise really is, in operational efficiency and just running a business extremely well from a supply chain’s point of view”.

Nº 9 - Nestle Purina PetCare’s Joseph R. Sivewright

Ninety-six percent of employees approve Sivewright. He has been CEO of Nestle Purina PetCare Co. since Jan. 1, 2015, after serving as president of Nestle Purina Petcare North America from April 2004 to January 2015, according to Bloomberg. Sivewright joined the firm in 1985, and has more than 25 years of marketing and sales experience, including leading Nestle Purina’s improved performance in Latin America and the Caribbean. While the comments on Glassdoor are mixed, what people like the most there are benefits such as the ability to bring your pet to work.

Nº 10 - Red Hat’s Jim Whitehurst

After reaching the $2 billion in annual revenue milestone, Whitehurst told CRN Magazine why he believes the Raleigh, N.C.-based software vendor can get to $5 billion in sales in the next five years. “That ambition is rooted in the potential Whitehurst sees for the future of the open-source movement; next-gen technologies that Red Hat is betting on big like OpenStack, Docker and Kubernetes; and a network of partners capable of delivering those open-source solutions to the enterprise market,” CRN wrote. “Open-source has become the default methodology for building next-generation architectures that will serve the cloud and mobile era, he said, and that’s why Red Hat can more than double its business in half a decade”.

Click here to see the full listings.
Source: Chief Executive

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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Top Colleges that produce the highest-earning Grads
by Lara Fishbane
There is a laundry list of factors that prospective students have to consider when applying to college: the ever-increasing price tag, student loan packages, college rankings, public reputation, and more. When considering whether a college is worth it or not, though, one of the most important factors is salary. How much recent graduates are earning as well as alumni well into their careers. This isn’t about the net worth of outlier and University of Nebraska–Lincoln alum Warren Buffett, but how much real students are making after graduation. We looked at Payscale data for graduates from FORBES Top 100 Colleges, and this is what we found:

Although you might think Stanford or Princeton, ranking No. 1 and No. 3 on the overall list, would be the top-earners, or perhaps the nation’s top tech incubators, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and California Institute of Technology, it’s Harvey Mudd College, No. 59 in the U.S., that is the highest earning college. Graduates from the small STEM-centric liberal arts college in Claremont, CA, are earning mid-career median salaries of $133,000.
Here’s how 15 FORBES Top 100 Colleges stack up (graphic by: Uyen Cao).

Though CalTech (No. 4), MIT (No. 5), Stanford (No. 6), and Princeton (No. 8) all come close behind, with grads earning over $120,000, Harvey Mudd graduates come out on top. So, what’s the college’s trick? According to Harvey Mudd Director of Admission Peter Osgood, it’s the way the school and its students approach learning.

“Our core curriculum ensures that students see between disciplines, and that’s a really valuable skill,” Osgood says. “Our graduates are trained to anticipate connections, and frankly, it’s where most innovation occurs, on the borders between disciplines”.

Unlike other cut throat competitive universities, Harvey Mudd encourages collaboration between students, which later helps them work more effectively in teams, according to Osgood. The college also prioritizes learning and grappling with material over grades, which fosters a solutions-oriented mindset in its students.

Traditional research universities, however, are not the only colleges that produce graduates with high salaries. Graduates from the United States Naval Academy (No. 2) and the United States Air Force Academy (No. 15) are earning $126,000 and $115,000, respectively, with 10 years of experience.

Liberal Arts universities also make the top 25, with graduates from Washington and Lee University (No. 11) earning $118,000 and graduates from Tufts University (No. 15), Colgate University (No. 16), and Swarthmore College (No. 17) all earning $115,000, despite conventional wisdom that you’re better off at a research university.

The myth of the disenfranchised liberal arts graduate comes from the data that shows that graduates from research universities significantly outearn graduates from liberal arts colleges in their first 5 years in the workforce. When we ranked the colleges by early career pay (less than 5 years of experience), only Amherst and Harvey Mudd cracked the top 25. The other liberal arts schools sat mostly in the bottom half.

Though students from Georgia Tech and Occidental both earn $112,000 with more than 10 years of experience, Occidental graduates’ early pay of $46,200 pales in comparison to the Georgia Tech graduates’ pay of $62,500.

Occidental graduates saw the highest increase in pay from early to mid-career earnings of any other top 100 school, with a 142% increase. Liberal arts schools Oberlin, Carleton, and Whitman all followed close behind with increases of over 130% from early to mid-career pay.

According to Assistant Director for Employer Relations at Occidental College Courtney Stricklin, “A liberal arts education is preparing students to be leaders when they graduate. Maybe they’re entering at an entry level position, like anyone else, but because of their other interpersonal skills and problem solving skills, they’re rising into leadership roles.”

Another advantage of the liberal arts education is that the student body is so small, Stricklin said. Occidental has a student body of just over 2,000, but over 100 student organizations on campus. “Our students are incredibly involved, so it’s rare for students to not be in a leadership role while they’re here,” she says. The opportunity to take on leadership positions while in college gives students the training and experience they need to rise in their companies once they enter the workforce.

Although all FORBES Top 100 graduates out-earn those without degrees, graduates from all-women’s colleges tend reap disproportionate benefits. Colleges ranked between 30-40 on the Top Colleges list earned on average $57,730 early-career, and $104,110 mid-career. Though ranked 32, Wellesley graduates earned $49,900 early-career and $83,700.00 mid-career. Barnard, ranked 37 on the top colleges list, graduates earned $49,300 early-career and $81,000.00 mid-career. The three all-women’s colleges that we had data for in the Top 100 all fell in the bottom six of colleges with the highest mid-career earnings.

“We have found that the gender wage gap begins right after graduation,” Senior Researcher at the American Association of University Women Kevin Miller says. He explained that the gap persists into mid-career because “women are less likely to be promoted or hired into leadership positions.”

Miller explained that even when controlling for a large number of variable, including education, field, and experience, women earned 7% less than their male counterpart. Furthermore, all-women’s colleges offer a different distribution of majors, which tend to be less lucrative.

See the 25 Top Earning Colleges below:
  1. Harvey Mudd College
  2. United States Naval Academy
  3. Harvard University
  4. California Institute of Technology
  5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  6. Stanford University
  7. Duke University
  8. Princeton University
  9. United States Military Academy
  10. University of Pennsylvania
  11. Washington and Lee University
  12. Carnegie Mellon University
  13. Georgetown University
  14. United States Air Force Academy
  15. Tufts University
  16. Colgate University
  17. Swarthmore College
  18. Rice University
  19. Cooper Union
  20. Cornell University
  21. University of California, Berkeley
  22. Brown University
  23. Santa Clara University
  24. Washington University in St. Louis
  25. Georgia Institute of Technology
Source: Forbes

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